VES ether theory is based on the idea that a sea of graviton waves transfers energy to photons and electrons, which modulates their velocity. The following are a few reasons why an energy source is needed to explain the flight of electrons and photons.
• The velocity of a photon always tends to be 299,792,459 m/s even though it ejects virtual particles at right angles to its line of flight as it plows through a dense matrix of gravitons in its path. One would think it should slow down under these conditions but it does not.
• The velocity of a photon tends to be constant even when propelled from a moving source such as in the Michelson-Morley experiment. This suggests an energy source exists in the ether that instantly changes its velocity.
• The velocity of the electron in orbit is always the same even though its circular pathway is at various distances from the proton. Its velocity is 2 x 10^6 m/s.
• An electron never loses velocity and spirals into the nucleus.
• Two lines of experiments suggest that light can be made to slow down a tad if moving against a strong field of graviton waves.
We know from Maxwell’s equations that the strength of the electric field divided by the strength of the magnetic field equals the velocity of light:

This means gravitons have their effect on velocity by pushing on electron and photon string waves.
I previously illustrated how graviton waves push electrons and photons through space. A little review doesn’t hurt.

When graviton waves are traveling in the same direction as the electron or photon, they crash into the electon and magnon waves coming towards them. This causes them to rebound away from each other because they have perfect elasticity. My drawing dramatizes the results for sake of clarity. As the magnon and electon waves rebound, they push on the electron or photon they are bound to.
Of course this is not the whole story. Graviton waves traveling in one direction are always in competition with waves going in the opposite direction as previously discussed.
Graviton waves traveling in the opposite direction to the electron or photons flight path have a negative effect on particle velocity and a negative effect on string cycles. In actuality they are traveling in the same direction as the magnon and electon waves.

Graviton waves traveling in the same direction as the magnon and electon waves nudge these waves to the rear of the electron, which decreases the velocity of the electron and its string cycles. However, the wave fronts are at a disadvantage compared to the situation where the graviton waves are going in the opposite direction because of the orientation of their wave fronts. This helps to explain why those gravitons going in the same direction as the electron or photon have the greatest influence on electron or photon velocity.
The dynamics between graviton waves is very sensitive as the particle approaches the speed of light. Because the opposing graviton waves are large forces, any interruption in this equilibrium can cause a dramatic effect on the velocity and string cycles of these particles. I will come back to this point when I discuss the special theory of relativity. Kelland—
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