Friday, September 23, 2011

Breaking news: Neutrinos travel faster than light

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

Researchers at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research outside Geneva, announced their discovery today that neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light. These small subatomic particles have mass. Their 454 mile trip from Geneva to Italy was 60 nanoseconds faster than light.

The following is a quote from the associated press: “GENEVA (AP) — A startling find at one of the world's foremost laboratories that a subatomic particle seemed to move faster than the speed of light has scientists around the world rethinking Albert Einstein and one of the foundations of physics.”

If a particle with mass travels faster than the speed of light, it disproves Einstein’s special theory of relativity. It means that photons in flight likely have mass just as suggested by a large number of experiments.

Entanglement experiments that have been conducted for several decades also prove that communication between two photons separated at great distance is almost instantaneous, much faster than neutrinos.

It is super cool to have an important aspect of my theory supported by experimentation. These concepts are discussed at length in my book. Kelland—

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