Monday, September 19, 2011


Atoms have perfect elasticity
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Mother saved the day for our family when Dad decided to give up engineering and try to make a living off our old farm. We would have starved to death except we always had a large garden and Mother bottled hundreds of quarts of green beans, wax beans, whole tomatoes, tomato juice, peaches, apricots, apples, and other vegetables and fruit. Even the fields around us contributed asparagus and wild currants in the fence lines. The wild currants made excellent jam. It was my job, along with my two younger sisters, to wash the quart jars, peel the apples, etc. It was a family work project.
The canning jars had a tight rubber seal that kept air from entering the bottles, which brings me to the main point. Scientists have shown that air molecules inside a sealed empty bottle never come to rest. This is quite amazing if you think about it. When two air molecules have a head on collision, they move away from each other with the same speed they had before the collision. Physicists refer to this as perfect elasticity. For this reason, air molecules never fall to the bottom of the chamber and come to rest even though they are under the influence of gravity. Since all molecules are made of the same building blocks we know all molecules have perfect elasticity. The evidence for the elasticity of matter is all around us. Doesn’t this suggest to you that the forces of nature might be due to elastic strings? Till then, be safe and in good health. Kelland—

Atoms have perfect cohesion
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

When I was young and foolish, some of my friends in grade school would come to our old ranch in the middle of a rain storm, usually in the month of August, and race about on the hillsides in back of our little house. In particular I remember one such friend who later became the beloved head track coach for a major university. At the time, he unknowingly was in training for the high hurdles he later ran in high school.
Of course we didn’t want to get our clothes muddy and wet so we went naked. The hills were steep and we could jump a country mile and land in soft earth that gave beneath our feet. It was an exhilarating experience made more beautiful by blessed rain that made the earth and desert plants fill the air with the most wonderful aromas.
It is astounding to me that the earth beneath our feet, and all the surrounding matter to the most distant star, none of it can not be destroyed, not even the smallest molecule. Atoms and the subatomic particles that make up atoms have perfect cohesion, just as they have perfect elasticity. The temperature of our Sun reaches 20,000 degrees Celsius while 5,000 degrees Celsius is sufficient to vaporize all known materials. This means the mass of the atom must be subjected to a violent state of motion, yet the mass does not disperse randomly into the ether about it, rather it remains intact, impervious to the rapid oscillation and rapid motion of the atoms around it. Mass may redistribute itself into different subatomic particles, but it cannot be destroyed. It has perfect cohesion, a condition of perfect elasticity.
This explains why elastic strings can extend vast distances and still remain intact, and coupled with perfect elasticity, it explains why elastic strings retract back to their source with great velocity.

Gluons are elastic strings
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
My aunt owned and ran the only grocery store in our little town. We often played touch football on her lawn where all too frequently we banged into the side of the store wall that was covered with ivy. We didn’t seem to mind even though the wall was made of concrete.
I remember vividly when my aunt announced to us just outside her store one day that World War II had ended. All the kids had their hands in the air, waving and yelling that we had won the war. Scientists had found a way to overcome the strong nuclear force, which allowed them to build nuclear bombs. These bombs abruptly ended the war with Japan.
Quarks are small structures that make up approximately 2% of the mass of an atom. They are responsible for the strong nuclear forces that hold subatomic particles together. If it were not for this force, atoms would fly apart just as they did with the explosion of the nuclear bomb. Physicists have shown that quarks are found in groups of three held together by gluons. Gluons are responsible for the force of attraction that holds quarks together. They are responsible for the strong nuclear force, and they behave as though they are elastic strings. Nuclear physicists have shown that when quarks are forced apart, gluons pull them back together. And just like rubber bands, the farther gluons are stretched the greater the force pulling the quarks back together. Could we ask for better proof of elastic strings? Till then, be safe and in good health. Kelland—

Electons are elastic strings
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
When I was growing up in Rockville, the boys played a game called “rubbers”. We would cut a half inch wide strip of rubber from a car inner tube made of natural rubber that was about 18 inches long. The rubber bands were shot with considerable velocity by placing one end around the index finger, then holding the tip in place with the thumb. We would stretch the rubber band with the other hand and then send the missile flying towards someone on the opposite team. Head shots were not permissible. When you were hit you were out of the game. The old barnyards became our playgrounds with fresh cow pies being acceptable hazards. I still remember sucking in my midsection to avoid being hit as a rubber band came whizzing toward me. We played the game by the hour.
I never thought much about what caused a rubber to stretch nor what caused the rubber band to retract with such great force until I began exploring the forces of nature. Now I see that it provides elegant proof that the bonds connecting atoms have elastic properties. In this case, we are dealing with the electric force of nature. I call the strings electons.
Here is what one physicist had to say on the subject: In 2011 on the Internet, Professor Marvin Johnson, a physicist at California State University, sums up his views as follows: “The bonds between atoms in a solid or liquid act like springs, when you compress or stretch them they store potential energy.” It sounds as if Johnson is describing atoms with perfect elasticity that are connected with strings that have perfect elasticity. When compressed, the atoms bound away from each other with perfect elasticity, and when stretched apart, they retract with greater force because they are connected with strings that have perfect elasticity. Till then, be safe and in good health. Kelland—

Gravitons are elastic strings
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
If you are lucky enough to view the night sky in a small town where humans are not flooding it with light, you are treated with a sea of brilliant stars that light the heavens, and the Milky Way Galaxy unfolds before you like a master piece far more pleasing than Van Gogh’s starry night. And lo, unknown to most viewers, the stars themselves have an intriguing secrete, a secrete that has puzzled scientists for many decades.
Astrophysicists have shown that the stars in our galaxy rotate around its center with great velocity, approximately 225,000 meters per second. The weird thing is the force of gravity in our galaxy is supposedly not strong enough to hold the stars in orbit. They should fly off into space, but they don’t. They also know that the force of gravity has to increase the farther the star is from the galactic center. At great distance, the actual force of gravity has to be 10 times stronger than the normal force of gravity to hold the star in orbit. Although scientists have attempted to explain this phenomenon by proposing additional undetected matter in our galaxy, all the studies have come up negative. The evidence shows there is no so called “dark matter.” The conclusion is: gravity behaves as though it is due to elastic strings, in the same manner as gluons (string responsible for the strong nuclear force), and electons (strings responsible for the electrical force). Once more we find great evidence for elastic strings. Kelland—

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