Thursday, November 3, 2011

Self inducing forces

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

The forces of nature are self inducing; in terms of the electron’s string cycle it means the creation of strings and retraction of strings is self inducing. I believe there are three factors at work. First, the strings have perfect elasticity. This means when a virtual particle is ejected into space it stores potential energy in the string in the same manner that a rubber band stores potential energy when it is stretched. This means no additional outside source of energy is needed for this string to retract back to source.

Second, the energy of the retracting strings is not lost. It becomes stored as potential energy in the form of condensed goo that has perfect elasticity. The goo becomes an extremely dense material as the strings bond and exert pressure on the surface of the electron. At some point in time, the internal potential energy reaches a critical state and the dense goo begins ejecting new virtual particles.

Third, a spinning electron has spin angular momentum. Scientists theorize that spin angular momentum drives the self inducing magnetic forces. My model for the electron’s string cycle has the graviton winding up on the electron in the same manner that a fishing line winds up on a reel, which of course utilizes the spin angular momentum of the electron. It causes the electron to be divided into two spheres. Of course it should be appreciated that all strings eventually retract back inside the electron to help form the primordial goo for another round of strings. A spinning electron would aid in the distribution of strings about the surface of the electron, which in turn would aid the self induction process. Finally, spin angular momentum might aid in the formation of the virtual particle inside the electron in some unknown manner. I will come back to this point when I discuss radio wave particles in a future blog.

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