Sunday, December 18, 2011

Annual polar wobble of Earth on its axis

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

Because planet tilt increases with distance from the Sun, I came to realize that Earth must wobble on its axis. It should tilt more at aphelion than perihelion. A few minutes after coming to this conclusion, I was able to confirm this expectation with use of the Internet.

When Earth rounds aphelion, the force of attraction versus the force of repulsion is greatest, and tilt will increase. Thus when Earth leaves aphelion it will lean over just a little more than when it arrived. The opposite is true for perihelion. Now the force of repulsion is slightly larger with respect to the force of gravitation, which means Earth will be slightly more erect when it leaves perihelion than when it arrived.

This simple explanation has eluded scientists because it makes no sense unless you believe that gravitons have mass and create repulsion forces Kelland—

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