Elastic strings make up the electric fields and magnetic fields surrounding a photon. According to elastic string theory, the negative electric field is composed of e-electons and the positive electric field is composed of p-electons. The magnetic fields are composed of n-magnons and s-magnons.
During the first half of the oscillation cycle, the photon is creating p-electons and s-magnons, and in the second half of the oscillation cycle, it is creating e-electons and n-magnons. This is shown in the next diagram:

Notice these fields are not being cancelled out by their complementary counterpart; i.e., p-electons are not being cancelled by e-electons on the same photon. The same applies to the magnons created. Notice too how the fields are directed at a 90 degree angles from the flight path of the photon, and at 90 degree angles from each other.
By convention, one oscillation period goes from the apex of one p-electon field to the apex of the next p-electon field, but one oscillation cycle is composed of two distinct string cycles. Shortly after the apex of the first p-electon field, there is a brief period of time when the photon is not making any elastic strings (X1), and immediately following the creation of the e-electon field, there is another period when it is quiescent (X2).
It is convenient to think of a string cycle beginning at a point when the photon is not making any strings. Shortly thereafter, it begins ejecting strings until there are a maximum number, and then the strings retract back to their source. In one string cycle p-electons and s-magnons are created then retracted, and in the next string cycle, e-electons and n-magnons are created then retracted. These two events make up one oscillation period.
It is possible that at the time the photon is creating p-electons it may be creating n-magnons rather than s-magnons, etc. If someone knows the proper sequence, I would appreciate hearing from you.
Electromagnetic Waves turbulence (photons) colliding against charged particles, photoelectrical effect, of the plasma-jets HH which emerge from the black holes central galactic and new young stars in formation, protostars (due to its vertiginous rotation, an electromagnetic cannon launching plasma), forming in the jet "knots" more shining each a certain distance.
ReplyDelete...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Sun-Deneb: 1000g)... Earth...the 2 ships that will go formation flying for mutual assisting if there are problems...indestructible structures made of Hexapentas material, awaiting in airport the arrival of passengers... Day 1: zero-speed... THE SHIPS TAKEOFF►... navigation computer places on screen the spacecraft in the center of sphere...spherical\tridimensional\spatial Heading: Deneb... Antimatter rocket engines...ON... Here we go...goooooo!...1g...10g...100g...constant acceleration cruise: 1000g (9.8 kms/sec²)... Inside the living areas (the same as going submerged in water: constant acceleration downwards...less...constant thrust, constant acceleration, from water upwards)...the gravitational transformers, perfectly synchronized with the acceleration, running: 1000g constant acceleration toward the floor ↓↓(motors)↓↓...less...999g constant acceleration toward the ceiling ↑↑(gravitational transformers)↑ = 1g constant acceleration toward the floor↓... 8.5 hours: light-speed = 1c...the fusion reactor as an artificial sun illuminating the immense Vital Support Gardens to lowering, from their comfortable apartments, cheerful passage to the pool...the electromagnetic shield anti-radiation...antigravity fields generator run forward, working: light objects away from the path of the ship...and trajectory ship away from the heavy objects...superluminal-speed > 1c... 42.5 hours: reaches hyperluminal-speed = 5c... Day 508: Half Journey...1000 light years...high hyperluminal-speed = 1435.39c... OFF engines...a few minutes of weightlessness during maneuver...the ship rotates 180º around its axis...motors ON again and... ◄STARTS TO BRAKE... Day 1017 (2.79 years): End Path party...2000 light years...zero-speed... The forever young passage of the 1st Immortal Generation (3D Bioprinting...Telomerase...modified Biological Timers...) disembarks at destination: an extra-stellar planet which came errant to orbit of Deneb giant.
ReplyDelete(3)...interstellar travel (thousands G of constant acceleration)... Gravity is a fundamental property of the Matter. Perhaps each material particle would work how a microsphere which emits, would be gravitons = PHOTONS, waves in straight line at all space directions. By some reason in magnetic substances these photon waves straight lines perhaps would braid among adjacent microspheres forming supposedly Gravitational Cords that already do not go in straight line faraway, but go in that object to an equilibrium point, the Pole, converging by exterior attracted by the Gravitational Cords from the other pole...the "magnetic field". In the stellar fusion is minimum the matter quantity that transforms into Energy, but if someday is obtained the matter/antimatter annihilation to exponentially convert all the mass into Energy (photons), perhaps would have a spectacular increment of the Gravitational Force during the action. So the Electromagnetic Force would be in reality the same Gravitational Force, with photon as the same exchange particle, presented "at other format". (How the Nature repeats successful designs...electromagnetic and gravitational force, both attract things: electromagnetic attracts magnetic substances...gravitational attracts all...and there are some substances that rotate the plane of polarization of light, then perhaps... Electromagnetic Force: in magnetic substances the supposed photons Gravitational Cords...e.g. braided to the right: same Pole repulsion, and braided to the left: same Pole repulsion: Pole braided to the right against Pole braided to the left: attraction... Gravitational Force: perhaps could be something similar but inverse...e.g. photons Gravitational Cords braided dextrorotatory: from Matter...and braided levorotatory: from Antimatter... Gravity: matter/matter, attraction. Antigravity: antimatter/antimatter, attraction... Matter/Antimatter, repulsion)... If in the matter/antimatter annihilation could, instead of photons, be obtained antiphotons (antigravity) instead of attraction would have repulsion from the rocket engine toward the passengers, auto-synchronizing (major or minor↓↓↓↓acceleration...major or minor↑↑↑repulsion) rocket acceleration downwards with antigravity repulsion upwards for maintaining the living areas to 1g↓...in to thousands G of constant acceleration Starships...
ReplyDelete...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Earth Day)... PLANETARY EMERGENCY: global warming due to pouring pollutants greenhouse effect into the air...the generalized burn fossil fuels it must stop immediately. Car´s Factories: is inadmissible design dirty new cars with internal combustion, have to make and buy Solar Energy clean electric cars. Stop F1, welcome EF. Eliminate the cattle and natural meat how food. Leave Carbon and Petroleum for nonflammable uses. There are huge quantities of Methane also in oceanic bottoms how solid methane-hydrates, waiting... Methane Big Greenhouse Effect... Over there is visible, Lakes on polar areas already are releasing from bottom to surface big methane bubbles... Permafrost is Melting...when all that methane passing to Atmosphere... We receive vague communiqués... What can we do for avoid the future catastrophe on Earth?. Have to cooling the Planet again urgently, and do not thinking more Wars. humankind must surmount its technological adolescence and go beyond...to the stars.
ReplyDelete(1)...space-elevator (orbital station ramp: fresh air)… CO2 + laser UV -- C + O2... RENOVATOR AIR UNIT: Powerful-Compressør³ continuously extracting the air Only from bathrooms ((((air passes condenser metallic grid which has a cold extreme Ship´s wall through at outer space, water drops distilled go out centrifuged...air´s pipe goes to outer space sufficient for air cooling only till CO2 freezing point, their already solid ice particles go away into the air current centrifuged impacting against the wall of *U-Tube* of the air which *has exit in the U zone* to the roomy hollow on lateral wall of a *Cylinder-Tube*, perpendicular and centered, that has a, with solid axis at both sides running through all components, --╠---|PISTON|---╣-- *shoving the ice pieces at both ways goes-comes*; for isolate air current the same PISTON *at both sides* opens-closes Cylinder extremes on both *intersections* with U-Tube, and shoves/releases *over extreme of this now hollow central axis* (length="T"╣branch-line´s ø) of a ═|Circular Cap valve, how a mushroom with its stem hollow, which has on the back side a *spring* against cavity (for spring+Cap) in the wall of *another perpendicular Tube forming "T" at both sides*, 2 branch-lines, of the ╠*Cylinder-Tube*╣, from that another Tube *arrives from one side* hot CO2 current, this *drags towards the another side* and sublimates the ice...from ╠both branch-lines╣ which outlet into 1 only tube, gas CO2 passes now by a thin and long tube with mirror interior walls ╩╩╩╩╩╩ with inclined multiples UV laser rays discharges...finally C and separation of O2 which passes to ■Tank reservoir O2 liquid))))… (similar appropriate procedures for other processes of cooling and liquefaction, hot water and air with solar energy) --- compressed dirty air through anti-return retention´s ÷valve goes to 2 ©Deposits at outer space...besides punctually reinforcing, when sensor detects presence into bathroom connects extractor ~Ventilator of Pressure (220 v.ac/50 W) that carries the dirty air, already without water nor CO2, to a graphene´s inflatable ºBalloon at outer space, another Compressør² extracts the air of the ºBalloon and injects it compressed through another anti-return retention´s ÷valve to circuit of the ©Deposits which have the dirty air already liquid at cryogenic temperature --- #DISTILLER Linde mini --- N and O2 ((someday will be obtained also Oxygen from (California University)...CO2 + laser UV ultra-short wave -- C + O2... electrons of CO2 molecule are in covalent bond, shared, they must acquiring energy from photons of the UV laser modifying thus their orbits and breaking thus the molecule))… the dirty air remains that can´t be used is thrown to space...the 2 ©Deposits alternatively working, one closed exit mode distilling, another open exit mode throwing; both have at entrance a solenoid┴valve, and exit´s hinged door slightly open/close with 1 motorized gyratory screw outside the ©Deposit --- █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid that receives, if it is necessary, also O2 from ■Tank reservoir O2 liquid… From █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid (N+O2) arrives more/less new air for maintaining the ambient pressure: »»» breeze of clean fresh air 1 bar »»»░... Finally shall smell to roses in a Spacecraft.
ReplyDelete...3d bioprinting-Immortality (biological timers: reverse aging)… old age short telomere, Youth Long Telomere...ON... here we go...goooooo!>>… modifying Biological Timers for every birthday to reach 1 less year old on biological age...until arrive to the 18, then come back to reach 1 more until arrive to the 50, then backward again...and so for all Eternity… until arrives an accident: your recorded Memory to the new young perfect identical Bioprinted Body and...Immortality...already the accidents do not matter.
ReplyDelete...interstellar travel constant acceleration (to the blue planet)... they arrive, see their occupants and decide to stay on the Moon hidden on the far side. They would have to come for supplies to the "supermarket", maybe they have cities under the ocean floor, maybe they disguise as humans, maybe they control the Earth, or maybe nothing at all. Where are the lunar satellites? There are none that are operational that we know of, a cloak of silence... They have put "7000" starlink satellites in Earth orbit in a moment, they have sent satellites to asteroids...but to the Moon "noo" that "it not interests yet" that people watches the continuous live broadcast in UHD from a satellite in low lunar orbit. What rules on Earth? religion. As soon as people see that the extraterrestrials know nothing about the miserable religious stories, that´s it: goodbye religion. For 50 years the Pope has been "thinking" about how to continue deceiving "astrotheology" with the "it´s just that "the grays" eat people. They left 2 Apollos on the ground after spending the $millions they cost "because there was no longer any interest in going there". Apollo XI radio secret: "they are here in the crater next door watchin us"...