Thursday, December 8, 2011

Planet Mercury does not obey universal law of gravitation

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

Mercury’s rotation about the Sun constantly changes. The point it is closest to the Sun advances forward in space with every rotation. Most of this change is due to the tug and pull of other solar bodies; however, there are 43 arc seconds per century that can not be explained in this manner. Einstein proposed that the 43 arc seconds discrepancy can be explained by his general theory of relativity. This view is not shared by all scientists in the field as explained in my book.

In 1958, Coleman, a former physics professor at UCLA, calculated that Mercury’s 43 arc seconds discrepancy can be explained if the difference in the force of attraction between Sun and planet at aphelion versus perihelion does not follow the universal law of gravitation. If the force of attraction at perihelion, when the planet it closest to the Sun, is 0.00000396 less than expected, this would completely explain Mercury’s strange orbit thought due to relativity. I propose this is the difference in repulsion forces experienced by the planet at aphelion versus perihelion.

When the planet is closest to the Sun, the repulsion forces push it away more than average, which serves to advance the perihelion point. At aphelion the opposite occurs and Mercury is pulled in towards the Sun more than average. Both serve to advance the perihelion point of Mercury. In future blogs, I will present strong evidence to support this contention. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—

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