The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
As explained in the previous blog, it requires more energy than expected to accelerate an electron in a particle accelerator. This is particularly true the closer the particle comes to the speed of light. How does VES ether theory solve this puzzle?
First, only those gravitons traveling along the surface of Earth will have an appreciable affect on the particle in the accelerator because those emanating from the ground beneath the accelerator will strike the particle’s waves at 90 degrees to its line of flight or at some other sharp angle. Earth’s gravitons will have far less impact on electron velocity compared to those traveling parallel to the surface of Earth and in line with the accelerator. For this reason, we can assume that an equal number of graviton waves are traveling with and against the subatomic particle being accelerated.
I invite you to go to my blog of 2/2/12 if you choose to review what to expect when balls or waves with perfect elasticity strike each other.
Graviton waves traveling against the flight path of the particle act as negative forces because they impede string retraction and they impede the flight of the electron. At the same time, those waves going in the same direction as the electron in flight act as positive forces. They are the strings responsible for pushing the electron through space, and they tend to increase the rate of string cycles.
The dynamics between these two opposing forces are responsible for normal velocity of electrons in orbit, which is 2 x 10^6 meters per second. However, the dynamics between the forces change dramatically as the electron is forced to travel at the speed of light. I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Monday, February 20, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Electrons in particle accelerators
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The velocity of an electron in orbit is 2 x 10^6 meters per second, and somewhat less in the solar wind. To increase the velocity of these particles beyond this point requires a source of energy. This has been examined in particle accelerators.
It has been proven that the acceleration of the electron requires more energy than expected. It is as if the mass of the particle increases as it approaches the speed of light; however, the mass remains the same.
Relative momentum = (gamma) x mass x velocity
Gamma is the reciprocal of the Lorentz factor as previously discussed, and it is always greater than one, which means “relative” momentum is always greater than mass x velocity.

Gamma reflects the additional energy required to raise the electron to a specified velocity. It is a measure of the resistance met by the electron as it is accelerated. In this equation, v is the velocity of the electron in the accelerator and c is the velocity of light. Gamma increases dramatically as the speed of light is approached. This is shown in the next illustration.

In this illustration, V/C is the ratio of the observed velocity V divided by the velocity of light, C.
As gamma increases from 707 to 40,825 (57.7 fold increase), the velocity of the electron only increases 1.000000999701 fold. Obviously, if the velocity of the electron had increased according to the energy applied, its velocity would have been 57.7 fold greater. This didn’t happen because increasing the velocity of the electron meets with great resistance.
If we live in a three-dimensional world, the question becomes: What is the source of resistance that must be overcome to increase the velocity of the electron? This question can be answered using elastic string theory. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The velocity of an electron in orbit is 2 x 10^6 meters per second, and somewhat less in the solar wind. To increase the velocity of these particles beyond this point requires a source of energy. This has been examined in particle accelerators.
It has been proven that the acceleration of the electron requires more energy than expected. It is as if the mass of the particle increases as it approaches the speed of light; however, the mass remains the same.
Relative momentum = (gamma) x mass x velocity
Gamma is the reciprocal of the Lorentz factor as previously discussed, and it is always greater than one, which means “relative” momentum is always greater than mass x velocity.

Gamma reflects the additional energy required to raise the electron to a specified velocity. It is a measure of the resistance met by the electron as it is accelerated. In this equation, v is the velocity of the electron in the accelerator and c is the velocity of light. Gamma increases dramatically as the speed of light is approached. This is shown in the next illustration.

In this illustration, V/C is the ratio of the observed velocity V divided by the velocity of light, C.
As gamma increases from 707 to 40,825 (57.7 fold increase), the velocity of the electron only increases 1.000000999701 fold. Obviously, if the velocity of the electron had increased according to the energy applied, its velocity would have been 57.7 fold greater. This didn’t happen because increasing the velocity of the electron meets with great resistance.
If we live in a three-dimensional world, the question becomes: What is the source of resistance that must be overcome to increase the velocity of the electron? This question can be answered using elastic string theory. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Basic equations used by the special theory of relativity
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The special theory of relativity states that time slows down for an object in motion. This means that a clock in motion will actually tick fewer times per second compared to a stationary reference clock because length between ticks is greater. This is spoken of as time dilation. Einstein used the Lorenz equation to define this belief in the following way:
Time dilation
Relativistic time = normal time x gamma.
Where gamma is the inverse of the Lorentz contraction:

Because gamma is always greater than one, relativistic time is always greater than normal time. I will return to this equation when I discuss objects in motion in another section.
Relativistic momentum
The energy required to increase the velocity of an electron to the speed of light is much greater than expected. At one time it was thought that the mass of the particle increased, but this is no longer thought to be the case. The resistance to any increase in the speed of the particle follows gamma.
The special theory of relativity views this as an increase in momentum, which is calculated as follows:
Relativistic momentum = gamma x velocity x mass
This equation actually tells us that it requires more energy than expected to increase the velocity of the electon in a particle accelerator, not that the mass changes. I will return to this equation when I discuss particle accelerators.
Einstein reasoned that these equations can only apply if we live in a four dimensional world rather than the normal three: length, depth, and height. The forth dimension is time, which explains time dilation and the effect of motion on time and particles in motion.
According to relativity theory, the original concept of the Lorentz contraction still applies, although they prefer to state that space shrinks:

This theory does lead to the curious assertion that a large particle accelerator in use shrinks to a few meters.
Is there another way of explaining the odd behavior of particles in motion without invoking a four dimensional world? I believe so. I will begin to tackle this subject in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The special theory of relativity states that time slows down for an object in motion. This means that a clock in motion will actually tick fewer times per second compared to a stationary reference clock because length between ticks is greater. This is spoken of as time dilation. Einstein used the Lorenz equation to define this belief in the following way:
Time dilation
Relativistic time = normal time x gamma.
Where gamma is the inverse of the Lorentz contraction:

Because gamma is always greater than one, relativistic time is always greater than normal time. I will return to this equation when I discuss objects in motion in another section.
Relativistic momentum
The energy required to increase the velocity of an electron to the speed of light is much greater than expected. At one time it was thought that the mass of the particle increased, but this is no longer thought to be the case. The resistance to any increase in the speed of the particle follows gamma.
The special theory of relativity views this as an increase in momentum, which is calculated as follows:
Relativistic momentum = gamma x velocity x mass
This equation actually tells us that it requires more energy than expected to increase the velocity of the electon in a particle accelerator, not that the mass changes. I will return to this equation when I discuss particle accelerators.
Einstein reasoned that these equations can only apply if we live in a four dimensional world rather than the normal three: length, depth, and height. The forth dimension is time, which explains time dilation and the effect of motion on time and particles in motion.
According to relativity theory, the original concept of the Lorentz contraction still applies, although they prefer to state that space shrinks:

This theory does lead to the curious assertion that a large particle accelerator in use shrinks to a few meters.
Is there another way of explaining the odd behavior of particles in motion without invoking a four dimensional world? I believe so. I will begin to tackle this subject in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity in 1905. This theory has been used to explain the odd behavior of electrons and radioactive particles in particle accelerators, the strange behavior of atomic clocks and radioactive particles in motion, and other curious phenomenon involving photons. I will come back to these observations after I discuss the origin of the equation that forms the backbone of special relativity.
The theory of relativity has its roots in an experiment carried out by A. Michelson and E. W. Morley in 1887. They demonstrated experimentally that the velocity of light appears to be the same regardless of the direction it is aimed from a moving source. In this experiment, the velocity of light was measured in reference to Earth’s motion as it orbits the Sun. The instrument used was an interferometer they built on a large slab of sandstone which was floated on a sea of mercury. This made it possible to change the orientation of the instrument and the direction the photons are ejected from their source, and subsequently their direction moving through the interferometer, without disturbing its adjustment. By this means they could compare the velocity of light traveling in various directions. If Earth’s rotation did indeed affect the velocity of the photon, this instrument was easily capable of detecting Earth’s orbital velocity of 29,786 meters per second. The final result of this sensitive experiment indicated that light leaving a source was not influenced by Earth’s rotation as measured in their interferometer.
Of course, this is far different than a bullet short from a moving train. If a bullet is shot in the same direction the train is moving, its velocity is the combined sum of mussel velocity and train velocity; whereas, a bullet shot in the opposite direction is slower because the train’s velocity must be subtracted from mussel velocity. All of this is perfectly reasonable, which caused the scientists at the time to ask why it doesn’t apply to the velocity of light?
The Irish physicist, G. Fitzgerald, suggested that the velocity of light is modified by Earth’s velocity, but cannot be detected in the Michelson-Morley experiment because the length of the instrument (slab of sandstone) shrinks in the direction it is moving. A Dutch physicist by the name of Hendrik Lorentz derived an equation that makes it possible to calculate what the shrinkage would have to be for a given velocity. This article was published in 1892. This equation is known as the Lorentz contraction, and it is always less than one.

Where v is the velocity of the instrument and c is the velocity of light.
Thus, the length of the interferometer would vary according to its velocity with respect to the normal velocity of light as shown in the following equation:

Because the Lorentz contraction is always less than one, the length in motion is always less than the length at rest.
This equation, along with other uses of the Lorentz contraction, forms the basis of the special theory of relativity. I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity in 1905. This theory has been used to explain the odd behavior of electrons and radioactive particles in particle accelerators, the strange behavior of atomic clocks and radioactive particles in motion, and other curious phenomenon involving photons. I will come back to these observations after I discuss the origin of the equation that forms the backbone of special relativity.
The theory of relativity has its roots in an experiment carried out by A. Michelson and E. W. Morley in 1887. They demonstrated experimentally that the velocity of light appears to be the same regardless of the direction it is aimed from a moving source. In this experiment, the velocity of light was measured in reference to Earth’s motion as it orbits the Sun. The instrument used was an interferometer they built on a large slab of sandstone which was floated on a sea of mercury. This made it possible to change the orientation of the instrument and the direction the photons are ejected from their source, and subsequently their direction moving through the interferometer, without disturbing its adjustment. By this means they could compare the velocity of light traveling in various directions. If Earth’s rotation did indeed affect the velocity of the photon, this instrument was easily capable of detecting Earth’s orbital velocity of 29,786 meters per second. The final result of this sensitive experiment indicated that light leaving a source was not influenced by Earth’s rotation as measured in their interferometer.
Of course, this is far different than a bullet short from a moving train. If a bullet is shot in the same direction the train is moving, its velocity is the combined sum of mussel velocity and train velocity; whereas, a bullet shot in the opposite direction is slower because the train’s velocity must be subtracted from mussel velocity. All of this is perfectly reasonable, which caused the scientists at the time to ask why it doesn’t apply to the velocity of light?
The Irish physicist, G. Fitzgerald, suggested that the velocity of light is modified by Earth’s velocity, but cannot be detected in the Michelson-Morley experiment because the length of the instrument (slab of sandstone) shrinks in the direction it is moving. A Dutch physicist by the name of Hendrik Lorentz derived an equation that makes it possible to calculate what the shrinkage would have to be for a given velocity. This article was published in 1892. This equation is known as the Lorentz contraction, and it is always less than one.

Where v is the velocity of the instrument and c is the velocity of light.
Thus, the length of the interferometer would vary according to its velocity with respect to the normal velocity of light as shown in the following equation:

Because the Lorentz contraction is always less than one, the length in motion is always less than the length at rest.
This equation, along with other uses of the Lorentz contraction, forms the basis of the special theory of relativity. I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
speed of light
Monday, February 13, 2012
Normal velocity of photons
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D
The balance reached between the photon and a sea of graviton waves traveling in all direction results in a photon with a velocity slightly less than 3 x 10^8 m/s. In contrast an electron in orbit has a velocity of approximately 2 x 10^6 m/s, or even less in the solar wind. There are important differences between photons and electrons that likely explain the difference in their normal velocities even though both are being pushed through space by the same graviton waves.
In contrast to electrons, the two spheres of the photon eject the same string mass per unit time. This means it is always in perfect balance, which allows graviton waves to push it smoothly through space. In addition, the photon has free electons emanating from one sphere, and at the same time, it has an equal mass of free magnons emanating from the other sphere. It seems graviton waves are able to generate more force against free strings than those strings that eventually become bound as complimentary pairs. This would help explain why the normal velocity of photons is higher than the normal velocity of electrons in orbit.
Photons can be as massive as electrons or immensely smaller as in the case of a radio wave photon. Even a photon of visible light can be as much as 10^11 times more massive than a radio wave photon, yet all photons travel at the same velocity even though each makes the same number of strings during the peak of their string cycle. This suggests that an upper limit exists, which holds all photons to the same velocity. This same upper limit also exists for electrons that are forced to travel at high speeds in a particle accelerator. In my next series of blogs, I will begin a discussion of situations where the velocities of electrons and photons are modified by scientists. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The balance reached between the photon and a sea of graviton waves traveling in all direction results in a photon with a velocity slightly less than 3 x 10^8 m/s. In contrast an electron in orbit has a velocity of approximately 2 x 10^6 m/s, or even less in the solar wind. There are important differences between photons and electrons that likely explain the difference in their normal velocities even though both are being pushed through space by the same graviton waves.
In contrast to electrons, the two spheres of the photon eject the same string mass per unit time. This means it is always in perfect balance, which allows graviton waves to push it smoothly through space. In addition, the photon has free electons emanating from one sphere, and at the same time, it has an equal mass of free magnons emanating from the other sphere. It seems graviton waves are able to generate more force against free strings than those strings that eventually become bound as complimentary pairs. This would help explain why the normal velocity of photons is higher than the normal velocity of electrons in orbit.
Photons can be as massive as electrons or immensely smaller as in the case of a radio wave photon. Even a photon of visible light can be as much as 10^11 times more massive than a radio wave photon, yet all photons travel at the same velocity even though each makes the same number of strings during the peak of their string cycle. This suggests that an upper limit exists, which holds all photons to the same velocity. This same upper limit also exists for electrons that are forced to travel at high speeds in a particle accelerator. In my next series of blogs, I will begin a discussion of situations where the velocities of electrons and photons are modified by scientists. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Normal velocity of the electron
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The velocity of the electron in orbit about the proton is 2 x 10^6 m/s. It has the same velocity irrespective of its distance from the proton. This is exactly what we might expect if its velocity is dictated by the balance between opposing graviton waves. In contrast, the velocity of electrons in the solar wind may be as low as 10^5 m/s, yet we must assume both are being driven by graviton waves. I believe the differences can be explained by their orientation in flight.
The electron creates a negative electric field composed of e-electon strings that are not in balance with an equal number of p-electon strings. When the electron is in orbit about the proton, its free e-electons become bound to p-electons emanating from the proton, which allows it to move smoothly through space. Scientists know the electron in orbit only spins either up or down. This suggests that the electron is moving smoothly through space, not tumbling end over end. This is what we might expect if the free e-electons are being created from just one sphere of the electron. This sphere becomes oriented towards the proton when its e-electons become bound to the p-electons emanating from the proton as shown in the following illustration.

Notice, if the electron is coming towards the viewer it only has the option of spinning up or down just as experiments verify.
The electron’s remaining strings are acted upon by graviton waves traveling in both directions, which results in the normal velocity of the electron in orbit. It prevents the electron from spiraling into the proton.
In contrast to this situation, when the electron is moving in the solar wind, its free e-electons cause the electron to be out of balance. One sphere will be acted upon with graviton waves more than the other sphere, which will cause the electron to tumble through space. This will cause the electrons in the solar wind to have less velocity than electrons in orbit about protons.
The velocity of the electron in orbit about the proton is 2 x 10^6 m/s. It has the same velocity irrespective of its distance from the proton. This is exactly what we might expect if its velocity is dictated by the balance between opposing graviton waves. In contrast, the velocity of electrons in the solar wind may be as low as 10^5 m/s, yet we must assume both are being driven by graviton waves. I believe the differences can be explained by their orientation in flight.
The electron creates a negative electric field composed of e-electon strings that are not in balance with an equal number of p-electon strings. When the electron is in orbit about the proton, its free e-electons become bound to p-electons emanating from the proton, which allows it to move smoothly through space. Scientists know the electron in orbit only spins either up or down. This suggests that the electron is moving smoothly through space, not tumbling end over end. This is what we might expect if the free e-electons are being created from just one sphere of the electron. This sphere becomes oriented towards the proton when its e-electons become bound to the p-electons emanating from the proton as shown in the following illustration.

Notice, if the electron is coming towards the viewer it only has the option of spinning up or down just as experiments verify.
The electron’s remaining strings are acted upon by graviton waves traveling in both directions, which results in the normal velocity of the electron in orbit. It prevents the electron from spiraling into the proton.
In contrast to this situation, when the electron is moving in the solar wind, its free e-electons cause the electron to be out of balance. One sphere will be acted upon with graviton waves more than the other sphere, which will cause the electron to tumble through space. This will cause the electrons in the solar wind to have less velocity than electrons in orbit about protons.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Graviton waves are formidable forces
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
In a previous discussion, I pointed out that the number of gravitons per unit area may be 10^15 times greater than electons, and 10^25 times greater than magnons. This means there is a sea of graviton waves traveling in all directions that are in intimate contact with the electons and magnons associated with photons and electrons.
In the previous blogs, I assumed the velocity of the graviton waves is 10^23 m/s and magnon and electon waves are 10^15 m/s. Now, if we assume the mass of gravitons in intimate contact with the electons and magnons approaches their mass, then the total momentum of the graviton waves becomes 10^8 times greater than the electon or magnon waves.
These guesstimates suggest that the energy of graviton waves far exceeds that necessary to push either an electron or photon through space.
When the photon is traveling at the speed of light, the large positive force pushing the photon through space is slightly greater than the large negative force. In the case of the electron, the positive forces are slightly greater than the negative forces when the electron is traveling at 2 x 10^6 m/s. At this point, negative and positive forces are at equilibrium. To increase the velocity of the electron higher than 2 x 10^6 requires an outside source of energy.
The great opposing graviton wave forces helps to explain why a small increase in electron velocity meets with great resistance.
In a previous discussion, I pointed out that the number of gravitons per unit area may be 10^15 times greater than electons, and 10^25 times greater than magnons. This means there is a sea of graviton waves traveling in all directions that are in intimate contact with the electons and magnons associated with photons and electrons.
In the previous blogs, I assumed the velocity of the graviton waves is 10^23 m/s and magnon and electon waves are 10^15 m/s. Now, if we assume the mass of gravitons in intimate contact with the electons and magnons approaches their mass, then the total momentum of the graviton waves becomes 10^8 times greater than the electon or magnon waves.
These guesstimates suggest that the energy of graviton waves far exceeds that necessary to push either an electron or photon through space.
When the photon is traveling at the speed of light, the large positive force pushing the photon through space is slightly greater than the large negative force. In the case of the electron, the positive forces are slightly greater than the negative forces when the electron is traveling at 2 x 10^6 m/s. At this point, negative and positive forces are at equilibrium. To increase the velocity of the electron higher than 2 x 10^6 requires an outside source of energy.
The great opposing graviton wave forces helps to explain why a small increase in electron velocity meets with great resistance.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Velocity of magnon and electon waves
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
In the previous blog, I assumed for the reasons given that graviton waves travel along the string at 10^23 meters per second. An analysis of the equation that computes wave velocity tells us that the velocity of magnon and electon waves is much less than graviton waves.

This is true because the theory holds that electons and magnons have much greater masses than gravitons, and their masses are spread over a relatively short distance in space, not across galaxies as is the case for gravitons. This means kg/m is much higher for electons and magnons, which will make their wave speed much slower. This is an important point because my model dictates that the velocity of graviton waves is greater than electon and magnon waves.
Because photons eject the same mass of electons and magnons with every string cycle, it suggests they are ejected the same distance in space. This means electons and magnons would have the same wave velocity. I refer you to the equation given for wave velocity. If the restoring force F for a magnon is 10^8 times greater than the restoring force of an electon, and if its mass is 10^8 greater per km, the equation dictates that the waves have the same velocity. I guesstimate the speed of these waves at 10^15 meters/second, which I will discuss in a future blog.
The negative and positive graviton wave forces are much greater than necessary to push electrons and photons through space. I will discuss this in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
In the previous blog, I assumed for the reasons given that graviton waves travel along the string at 10^23 meters per second. An analysis of the equation that computes wave velocity tells us that the velocity of magnon and electon waves is much less than graviton waves.

This is true because the theory holds that electons and magnons have much greater masses than gravitons, and their masses are spread over a relatively short distance in space, not across galaxies as is the case for gravitons. This means kg/m is much higher for electons and magnons, which will make their wave speed much slower. This is an important point because my model dictates that the velocity of graviton waves is greater than electon and magnon waves.
Because photons eject the same mass of electons and magnons with every string cycle, it suggests they are ejected the same distance in space. This means electons and magnons would have the same wave velocity. I refer you to the equation given for wave velocity. If the restoring force F for a magnon is 10^8 times greater than the restoring force of an electon, and if its mass is 10^8 greater per km, the equation dictates that the waves have the same velocity. I guesstimate the speed of these waves at 10^15 meters/second, which I will discuss in a future blog.
The negative and positive graviton wave forces are much greater than necessary to push electrons and photons through space. I will discuss this in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Velocity of graviton waves
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The relative velocity of the electon and magnon waves verses graviton waves is central to understanding relativity. Although it isn’t necessary to know their absolute velocities, a guesstimate eases discussion.
There are two lines of reasoning that convince me that graviton waves travel at enormous velocity. First, my ether model requires that the velocity of graviton waves has to be almost as great as the speed of the graviton as it is generated into space (10^23 m/s). Why this must be true comes from the observation that stars in our local cluster of galaxies influence the photons they emit for their entire journey to Earth. For example, the Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light years away (about 2 x 10^22 meters), and the light we receive from this galaxy has higher energy than expected.
If the blue shift is created by gravitons emanating from Andromeda, then graviton waves must travel at least 2 x 10^22 meters before the graviton is retracted. Even if the graviton existed for one full second, the waves would have to travel more than 2 x 10^22 meters per second.
There is another line of reasoning that supports the idea that graviton waves travel at very high velocity. This comes from the equation provided by physicists that explains the velocity of waves along a common string.

In this equation, F is the restoring force that snaps the string back in place. It is also the force conducted along the string. It is expressed in newtons. Two other elements used in the equation are mass per unit length (kg/m) and the velocity of the waves in meters per second. Notice, if the mass of the string is extremely small, especially when expressed as kg/meter, then wave speed must be extremely large. The mass of a graviton might be as little as 10^80 kg, which would mean its mass per meter might be as little as 10^103 kg. This explains why the speed of the wave traveling along the string has great velocity.
This equation holds if the amplitude of the wave is small. This is certainly true for waves contemplated here because they are nothing more than tiny pulses created by snapping portals.
For sake of argument, I will assume that graviton waves travel along the string at 10^23 m/s.
I will come back to the mass of gravitons and the other strings in a future blog.
In my next blog, I will take up the velocity of magnon and electon waves. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The relative velocity of the electon and magnon waves verses graviton waves is central to understanding relativity. Although it isn’t necessary to know their absolute velocities, a guesstimate eases discussion.
There are two lines of reasoning that convince me that graviton waves travel at enormous velocity. First, my ether model requires that the velocity of graviton waves has to be almost as great as the speed of the graviton as it is generated into space (10^23 m/s). Why this must be true comes from the observation that stars in our local cluster of galaxies influence the photons they emit for their entire journey to Earth. For example, the Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light years away (about 2 x 10^22 meters), and the light we receive from this galaxy has higher energy than expected.
If the blue shift is created by gravitons emanating from Andromeda, then graviton waves must travel at least 2 x 10^22 meters before the graviton is retracted. Even if the graviton existed for one full second, the waves would have to travel more than 2 x 10^22 meters per second.
There is another line of reasoning that supports the idea that graviton waves travel at very high velocity. This comes from the equation provided by physicists that explains the velocity of waves along a common string.

In this equation, F is the restoring force that snaps the string back in place. It is also the force conducted along the string. It is expressed in newtons. Two other elements used in the equation are mass per unit length (kg/m) and the velocity of the waves in meters per second. Notice, if the mass of the string is extremely small, especially when expressed as kg/meter, then wave speed must be extremely large. The mass of a graviton might be as little as 10^80 kg, which would mean its mass per meter might be as little as 10^103 kg. This explains why the speed of the wave traveling along the string has great velocity.
This equation holds if the amplitude of the wave is small. This is certainly true for waves contemplated here because they are nothing more than tiny pulses created by snapping portals.
For sake of argument, I will assume that graviton waves travel along the string at 10^23 m/s.
I will come back to the mass of gravitons and the other strings in a future blog.
In my next blog, I will take up the velocity of magnon and electon waves. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Graviton waves nudge electrons and photons forward in flight
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
VES ether theory is based on the idea that a sea of graviton waves transfers energy to photons and electrons, which modulates their velocity. The following are a few reasons why an energy source is needed to explain the flight of electrons and photons.
• The velocity of a photon always tends to be 299,792,459 m/s even though it ejects virtual particles at right angles to its line of flight as it plows through a dense matrix of gravitons in its path. One would think it should slow down under these conditions but it does not.
• The velocity of a photon tends to be constant even when propelled from a moving source such as in the Michelson-Morley experiment. This suggests an energy source exists in the ether that instantly changes its velocity.
• The velocity of the electron in orbit is always the same even though its circular pathway is at various distances from the proton. Its velocity is 2 x 10^6 m/s.
• An electron never loses velocity and spirals into the nucleus.
• Two lines of experiments suggest that light can be made to slow down a tad if moving against a strong field of graviton waves.
We know from Maxwell’s equations that the strength of the electric field divided by the strength of the magnetic field equals the velocity of light:

This means gravitons have their effect on velocity by pushing on electron and photon string waves.
I previously illustrated how graviton waves push electrons and photons through space. A little review doesn’t hurt.

When graviton waves are traveling in the same direction as the electron or photon, they crash into the electon and magnon waves coming towards them. This causes them to rebound away from each other because they have perfect elasticity. My drawing dramatizes the results for sake of clarity. As the magnon and electon waves rebound, they push on the electron or photon they are bound to.
Of course this is not the whole story. Graviton waves traveling in one direction are always in competition with waves going in the opposite direction as previously discussed.
Graviton waves traveling in the opposite direction to the electron or photons flight path have a negative effect on particle velocity and a negative effect on string cycles. In actuality they are traveling in the same direction as the magnon and electon waves.

Graviton waves traveling in the same direction as the magnon and electon waves nudge these waves to the rear of the electron, which decreases the velocity of the electron and its string cycles. However, the wave fronts are at a disadvantage compared to the situation where the graviton waves are going in the opposite direction because of the orientation of their wave fronts. This helps to explain why those gravitons going in the same direction as the electron or photon have the greatest influence on electron or photon velocity.
The dynamics between graviton waves is very sensitive as the particle approaches the speed of light. Because the opposing graviton waves are large forces, any interruption in this equilibrium can cause a dramatic effect on the velocity and string cycles of these particles. I will come back to this point when I discuss the special theory of relativity. Kelland—
VES ether theory is based on the idea that a sea of graviton waves transfers energy to photons and electrons, which modulates their velocity. The following are a few reasons why an energy source is needed to explain the flight of electrons and photons.
• The velocity of a photon always tends to be 299,792,459 m/s even though it ejects virtual particles at right angles to its line of flight as it plows through a dense matrix of gravitons in its path. One would think it should slow down under these conditions but it does not.
• The velocity of a photon tends to be constant even when propelled from a moving source such as in the Michelson-Morley experiment. This suggests an energy source exists in the ether that instantly changes its velocity.
• The velocity of the electron in orbit is always the same even though its circular pathway is at various distances from the proton. Its velocity is 2 x 10^6 m/s.
• An electron never loses velocity and spirals into the nucleus.
• Two lines of experiments suggest that light can be made to slow down a tad if moving against a strong field of graviton waves.
We know from Maxwell’s equations that the strength of the electric field divided by the strength of the magnetic field equals the velocity of light:

This means gravitons have their effect on velocity by pushing on electron and photon string waves.
I previously illustrated how graviton waves push electrons and photons through space. A little review doesn’t hurt.

When graviton waves are traveling in the same direction as the electron or photon, they crash into the electon and magnon waves coming towards them. This causes them to rebound away from each other because they have perfect elasticity. My drawing dramatizes the results for sake of clarity. As the magnon and electon waves rebound, they push on the electron or photon they are bound to.
Of course this is not the whole story. Graviton waves traveling in one direction are always in competition with waves going in the opposite direction as previously discussed.
Graviton waves traveling in the opposite direction to the electron or photons flight path have a negative effect on particle velocity and a negative effect on string cycles. In actuality they are traveling in the same direction as the magnon and electon waves.

Graviton waves traveling in the same direction as the magnon and electon waves nudge these waves to the rear of the electron, which decreases the velocity of the electron and its string cycles. However, the wave fronts are at a disadvantage compared to the situation where the graviton waves are going in the opposite direction because of the orientation of their wave fronts. This helps to explain why those gravitons going in the same direction as the electron or photon have the greatest influence on electron or photon velocity.
The dynamics between graviton waves is very sensitive as the particle approaches the speed of light. Because the opposing graviton waves are large forces, any interruption in this equilibrium can cause a dramatic effect on the velocity and string cycles of these particles. I will come back to this point when I discuss the special theory of relativity. Kelland—
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Decay Rate of Radioactive Particles
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Physicists have shown that the decay rate of radioactive particles is slower when Earth is closer to the Sun. They do not believe the seasonal variation in decay rate is determined by a fluctuation in temperature, for example; rather they believe it is determined by some field of the Sun.
According to VES ether theory, this field is composed of gravitons whose concentration increases the closer we are to the Sun. An increasing concentration of gravitons lowers string cycle rate and decreases the energy of the particle, which in turn decreases the rate of decay.
Once more we find evidence that gravitons influence string cycles and the energy of atoms. Gravitational frequency shift, gravitational red shift, and radioactive decay rate all show that string cycle rates decrease in stronger gravitational fields even if the number of graviton waves is equal in all directions. Those graviton waves traveling opposite to the flightpath of the electron or photon cause this effect, although it must be remembered that the final rate of the string cycle depends on the dynamics between graviton waves traveling in both directions.
In my next series of blogs, I will explain how gravitons affect the velocity of electrons and photons. Kelland—
Physicists have shown that the decay rate of radioactive particles is slower when Earth is closer to the Sun. They do not believe the seasonal variation in decay rate is determined by a fluctuation in temperature, for example; rather they believe it is determined by some field of the Sun.
According to VES ether theory, this field is composed of gravitons whose concentration increases the closer we are to the Sun. An increasing concentration of gravitons lowers string cycle rate and decreases the energy of the particle, which in turn decreases the rate of decay.
Once more we find evidence that gravitons influence string cycles and the energy of atoms. Gravitational frequency shift, gravitational red shift, and radioactive decay rate all show that string cycle rates decrease in stronger gravitational fields even if the number of graviton waves is equal in all directions. Those graviton waves traveling opposite to the flightpath of the electron or photon cause this effect, although it must be remembered that the final rate of the string cycle depends on the dynamics between graviton waves traveling in both directions.
In my next series of blogs, I will explain how gravitons affect the velocity of electrons and photons. Kelland—
Monday, February 6, 2012
Gravitational red shift
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
In the previous section, I explained how atoms in a strong gravitational field have a slower than normal vibration frequency because their string cycles are extended. As we might expect, this affects the photons emitted by these atoms.
All atoms have a different number of electrons orbiting about their nuclei as well as a different number of protons and neutrons, and the photons they emit when in an exited state are characteristic for that particular atom. This provides a method of identifying different elements by their spectral lines, their “cosmic bar code”.
Photons emitted by atoms in a strong gravitational field have lower frequencies than expected; their bar codes have been shifted. This is referred to as a red shift because red is found at the lower end of the light spectrum. It was first measured in the light we receive from massive stars called white dwarfs. It is frequently offered as proof for the general theory of relativity. As the name implies, the gravitational red shift is known by scientists to be the result of strong gravitational fields.
Physicists have known for many years that the rate atoms oscillate influences the photons emitted. This enabled Max Planck to establish the relationship between the oscillation of atoms and the oscillation frequency of the photon’s emitted by these atoms.
Electricity is used to control the energy of the photons emitted by a transmitting radio antenna. It is used to modify the oscillation frequency of the atoms in the antenna, and in this manner, control the frequency of the radio waves emitted.
According to VES theory when graviton waves slow down the rate of oscillation, it decreases the spin angular momentum of the atom’s quarks and electrons, and this causes the atom to make a photon with less energy; it will show a red shift.
The photons emitted by atoms in a strong gravitational field have lower frequencies because the atoms that emit the photons have slower string cycles.
Elastic string theory explains the connection between the gravitational red shift and the gravitational frequency shift. Kelland—
In the previous section, I explained how atoms in a strong gravitational field have a slower than normal vibration frequency because their string cycles are extended. As we might expect, this affects the photons emitted by these atoms.
All atoms have a different number of electrons orbiting about their nuclei as well as a different number of protons and neutrons, and the photons they emit when in an exited state are characteristic for that particular atom. This provides a method of identifying different elements by their spectral lines, their “cosmic bar code”.
Photons emitted by atoms in a strong gravitational field have lower frequencies than expected; their bar codes have been shifted. This is referred to as a red shift because red is found at the lower end of the light spectrum. It was first measured in the light we receive from massive stars called white dwarfs. It is frequently offered as proof for the general theory of relativity. As the name implies, the gravitational red shift is known by scientists to be the result of strong gravitational fields.
Physicists have known for many years that the rate atoms oscillate influences the photons emitted. This enabled Max Planck to establish the relationship between the oscillation of atoms and the oscillation frequency of the photon’s emitted by these atoms.
Electricity is used to control the energy of the photons emitted by a transmitting radio antenna. It is used to modify the oscillation frequency of the atoms in the antenna, and in this manner, control the frequency of the radio waves emitted.
According to VES theory when graviton waves slow down the rate of oscillation, it decreases the spin angular momentum of the atom’s quarks and electrons, and this causes the atom to make a photon with less energy; it will show a red shift.
The photons emitted by atoms in a strong gravitational field have lower frequencies because the atoms that emit the photons have slower string cycles.
Elastic string theory explains the connection between the gravitational red shift and the gravitational frequency shift. Kelland—
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Frequency shift and earth’s potential gravitational energy
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Scientists have shown that the magnitude of the gravitational frequency shift is directly related to Earth’s potential gravitational energy.

Where G is the gravitational constant, ME the mass of the Earth, and r is the distance to Earth’s center.
According to VES ether theory, Earth’s potential gravitational energy at a given distance from Earth reflects the concentration of gravitons in the area. It provides a rational, physical reason why the strength of the gravitational field is correlated with the rate atoms vibrate.
The very fact that Earth’s potential gravitational energy is used to calculate the gravitational frequency shift gives strong support to the idea that gravitons interact with electons and magnons just as predicted to explain the gravitational frequency shift.
By the way, no theory of relativity is required to calculate Earth’s potential gravitational energy. Kelland—
Scientists have shown that the magnitude of the gravitational frequency shift is directly related to Earth’s potential gravitational energy.

Where G is the gravitational constant, ME the mass of the Earth, and r is the distance to Earth’s center.
According to VES ether theory, Earth’s potential gravitational energy at a given distance from Earth reflects the concentration of gravitons in the area. It provides a rational, physical reason why the strength of the gravitational field is correlated with the rate atoms vibrate.
The very fact that Earth’s potential gravitational energy is used to calculate the gravitational frequency shift gives strong support to the idea that gravitons interact with electons and magnons just as predicted to explain the gravitational frequency shift.
By the way, no theory of relativity is required to calculate Earth’s potential gravitational energy. Kelland—
Saturday, February 4, 2012
The gravitational frequency shift: Atomic clocks slow down in strong gravitational fields
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
A cesium-beam atomic clock measures the exact oscillation frequency of the cesium atom, which is 9,192,631,770 cycles/second. This amounts to an accuracy of 1 second in 1,400,000 years, which makes a cesium-beam atomic clock the most sensitive device ever made for measuring time.
The oscillation frequency of an atom is determined by its string cycles. Electron string cycles and quark string cycles become synchronized because their e-electons and p-electons bond as they go through their individual cycles. This forces them into synchrony.
It has been shown that a cesium clock slows down when placed in a stronger gravitational field. This is referred to as the gravitational frequency shift. Clocks here on Earth run slower at lower altitudes where the gravitational force is greater. Even a clock placed at the bottom of a skyscraper runs slower than a clock at the top of the skyscraper. Physicists have shown that clocks in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter, when closer to the Sun, run slower than clocks at the same location during the summer. Atomic clocks aboard satellites must be corrected for the gravitational frequency shift; otherwise, the lower density of gravitons in outer space would cause the clocks to run faster. The correction is only one part in 10^14.
According to VES ether theory, a greater concentration of gravitons will slow down string retraction and increase the length of string cycles. The net result is an atom whose electron string cycles and quark string cycles are in synchrony but at a lower frequency. The clock will have a slower oscillation frequency and tick fewer times per second. This completely explains the effect of the gravitational force on cesium-beam clocks. It provides strong evidence that gravitons influence string cycle rates.
It can be shown mathematically that the gravitational frequency shift is directly correlated with the concentration of gravitons in the area. I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Kelland—
A cesium-beam atomic clock measures the exact oscillation frequency of the cesium atom, which is 9,192,631,770 cycles/second. This amounts to an accuracy of 1 second in 1,400,000 years, which makes a cesium-beam atomic clock the most sensitive device ever made for measuring time.
The oscillation frequency of an atom is determined by its string cycles. Electron string cycles and quark string cycles become synchronized because their e-electons and p-electons bond as they go through their individual cycles. This forces them into synchrony.
It has been shown that a cesium clock slows down when placed in a stronger gravitational field. This is referred to as the gravitational frequency shift. Clocks here on Earth run slower at lower altitudes where the gravitational force is greater. Even a clock placed at the bottom of a skyscraper runs slower than a clock at the top of the skyscraper. Physicists have shown that clocks in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter, when closer to the Sun, run slower than clocks at the same location during the summer. Atomic clocks aboard satellites must be corrected for the gravitational frequency shift; otherwise, the lower density of gravitons in outer space would cause the clocks to run faster. The correction is only one part in 10^14.
According to VES ether theory, a greater concentration of gravitons will slow down string retraction and increase the length of string cycles. The net result is an atom whose electron string cycles and quark string cycles are in synchrony but at a lower frequency. The clock will have a slower oscillation frequency and tick fewer times per second. This completely explains the effect of the gravitational force on cesium-beam clocks. It provides strong evidence that gravitons influence string cycle rates.
It can be shown mathematically that the gravitational frequency shift is directly correlated with the concentration of gravitons in the area. I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Kelland—
Friday, February 3, 2012
The influence of graviton waves on string cycles
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Electons and magnons emanating from electrons and photons have perfect elasticity, which enables them to retract back to their source. However, a sea of graviton waves in physical contact with these strings influence their rate of retraction and string cycles.
• Graviton waves traveling in the same direction as the magnon waves and electons waves push these waves to the rear away from the particle. This inhibits their retraction and increases the length of the string cycle.

• Gravitons waves traveling against the flow of the electon and magnon waves tend to decrease the string cycle because they push these waves towards the photon or electron. However, they have less influence on string cycles than graviton waves going in the opposite direction. This is born out by the facts.

• The evidence shows that string cycle rates decrease in stronger gravitational fields even if the number of waves is equal in all directions.
• When there is a preponderance of graviton waves going in one direction, the balance shifts. I will take this up in future blogs.
In my next blog, I will take a closer look at gravitational fields and how they affect Cesium based atomic clocks.
Electons and magnons emanating from electrons and photons have perfect elasticity, which enables them to retract back to their source. However, a sea of graviton waves in physical contact with these strings influence their rate of retraction and string cycles.
• Graviton waves traveling in the same direction as the magnon waves and electons waves push these waves to the rear away from the particle. This inhibits their retraction and increases the length of the string cycle.

• Gravitons waves traveling against the flow of the electon and magnon waves tend to decrease the string cycle because they push these waves towards the photon or electron. However, they have less influence on string cycles than graviton waves going in the opposite direction. This is born out by the facts.

• The evidence shows that string cycle rates decrease in stronger gravitational fields even if the number of waves is equal in all directions.
• When there is a preponderance of graviton waves going in one direction, the balance shifts. I will take this up in future blogs.
In my next blog, I will take a closer look at gravitational fields and how they affect Cesium based atomic clocks.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Collision between particles with perfect elasticity
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
When two balls with perfect elasticity collide head on, they reverse directions and bound away from each other with the same velocity and momentum they had before the collision.

And for the same reason, if a faster moving ball collides with a slower ball going in the same direction, momentum will be transferred to the slow ball causing it to travel faster; however, there will be no change in total momentum because the two balls have perfect elasticity.

In the case of string waves, the interaction between waves depends on their orientation in space and wave direction. If the waves are traveling in the opposite direction, the broad fronts of the waves might crash into each other as shown.

Because the waves have perfect elasticity, the magnon and electon waves will tend to reverse direction, which will shorten the string cycle and increase the velocity of the particle.
On the other hand if the waves are traveling in the same direction, one possible orientation might be as shown.

In this situation, the graviton wave is nudging the electon wave to the rear, which will decrease photon velocity and decrease string cycle rate. It seems likely that the collision between waves in this situation will result in less force per collision than when the waves are going in the opposite direction because of the nature of the wave fronts.
The actual velocity of the photon and its string cycle rate will depend upon the overall dynamics between waves, and when the concentration of graviton waves is equal in both directions, the photon or electron reaches its normal velocity and its normal string cycle.
I will first examine how graviton waves influence string cycles. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
When two balls with perfect elasticity collide head on, they reverse directions and bound away from each other with the same velocity and momentum they had before the collision.

And for the same reason, if a faster moving ball collides with a slower ball going in the same direction, momentum will be transferred to the slow ball causing it to travel faster; however, there will be no change in total momentum because the two balls have perfect elasticity.

In the case of string waves, the interaction between waves depends on their orientation in space and wave direction. If the waves are traveling in the opposite direction, the broad fronts of the waves might crash into each other as shown.

Because the waves have perfect elasticity, the magnon and electon waves will tend to reverse direction, which will shorten the string cycle and increase the velocity of the particle.
On the other hand if the waves are traveling in the same direction, one possible orientation might be as shown.

In this situation, the graviton wave is nudging the electon wave to the rear, which will decrease photon velocity and decrease string cycle rate. It seems likely that the collision between waves in this situation will result in less force per collision than when the waves are going in the opposite direction because of the nature of the wave fronts.
The actual velocity of the photon and its string cycle rate will depend upon the overall dynamics between waves, and when the concentration of graviton waves is equal in both directions, the photon or electron reaches its normal velocity and its normal string cycle.
I will first examine how graviton waves influence string cycles. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Direction of waves important
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
A sea of graviton waves is composed of a vast number of waves traveling in all directions; however, only those waves traveling directly with or directly opposed to the orientation of the photon’s strings have an appreciable effect on the photon’s velocity or its string cycle rate.
Electons and magnons are ejected from photons at right angles to their direction of flight and at right angles to each other. Initially, the interaction of graviton waves going with and against the photon’s string waves mainly affect string cycles, not velocity, because the photon’s strings are not in alignment with the photon’s flight path.

Not pictured are photon string waves ejected at 90 degrees angle to the flight of the photon and 90 degrees angle to the string shown, but the situation is the same.
As the photon continues through a maze of strings in their path, the electons and magnons are swept to the rear. This allows complementary strings to meet and bond. Thus, soon after the ejection of a virtual particle a portion of the photon’s strings are directed to the rear.

At this point in time, graviton waves are influencing the velocity of the particle and its string cycle.
Because the string cycle of the electron is so short, it seems likely that during the final stage of the cycle the length of the string oriented directly to the rear must be very short. Even so this phase of the cycle might contribute the most to the velocity of the photon or electron because now all the graviton waves are directly in line with the photon’s flight path.

Graviton waves have to interact with strings that eventual bond or have bonded as complementary strings; otherwise, they would not be able to contribute to the electron’s velocity in orbit because the only free strings, the e-electons, become bound to p-electons emanating from the proton.
What is said here about the interaction of photon string waves and graviton string waves applies equally well with the interaction between graviton waves and electron string waves. However, there are differences between the two particles as discussed in future blogs.
In my next blog, I will examine what we can expect when dealing with a substance with perfect elasticity. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
A sea of graviton waves is composed of a vast number of waves traveling in all directions; however, only those waves traveling directly with or directly opposed to the orientation of the photon’s strings have an appreciable effect on the photon’s velocity or its string cycle rate.
Electons and magnons are ejected from photons at right angles to their direction of flight and at right angles to each other. Initially, the interaction of graviton waves going with and against the photon’s string waves mainly affect string cycles, not velocity, because the photon’s strings are not in alignment with the photon’s flight path.

Not pictured are photon string waves ejected at 90 degrees angle to the flight of the photon and 90 degrees angle to the string shown, but the situation is the same.
As the photon continues through a maze of strings in their path, the electons and magnons are swept to the rear. This allows complementary strings to meet and bond. Thus, soon after the ejection of a virtual particle a portion of the photon’s strings are directed to the rear.

At this point in time, graviton waves are influencing the velocity of the particle and its string cycle.
Because the string cycle of the electron is so short, it seems likely that during the final stage of the cycle the length of the string oriented directly to the rear must be very short. Even so this phase of the cycle might contribute the most to the velocity of the photon or electron because now all the graviton waves are directly in line with the photon’s flight path.

Graviton waves have to interact with strings that eventual bond or have bonded as complementary strings; otherwise, they would not be able to contribute to the electron’s velocity in orbit because the only free strings, the e-electons, become bound to p-electons emanating from the proton.
What is said here about the interaction of photon string waves and graviton string waves applies equally well with the interaction between graviton waves and electron string waves. However, there are differences between the two particles as discussed in future blogs.
In my next blog, I will examine what we can expect when dealing with a substance with perfect elasticity. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
VES ether theory and Maxwell’s observations
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
I was not able to find any reference in the literature that gravitons might form the basis of an ether theory. I suspect this idea has not been rigorously examined because scientists in general do not consider that gravitons are physical entities that remain attached to the objects that create them. However, if gravitons have mass and remain connected to their source, then it becomes entirely possible that traveling transverse waves originating at source move along the string at high velocity. This forms the basis of VES ether theory.
Maxwell was able to calculate the speed of light using its electric and magnetic properties. This leads to the idea that a sea of graviton waves has its effect on the velocity of light by pushing on the photon’s electons and magnons. This also satisfies the requirement that gravitons influence the string cycles of photons and electrons, and a host of other observations.
The nature of the interaction is totally mechanical, wave against wave, which of course depends on a vast concentration of graviton waves traveling in all directions as already discussed. The waves are in intimate physical contact. For this reason a magnon, which is 299,792,459 times larger than an electon, would have proportional more graviton waves pushing against it. However, gravitons are pushing on 299,792,459 electons for every one magnon, which means magnons and electons are equally involved in the velocity of light and string cycles.
The interaction between graviton waves and a photon’s electon and magnon waves is dependent upon the photon’s string cycle. This is discussed in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
I was not able to find any reference in the literature that gravitons might form the basis of an ether theory. I suspect this idea has not been rigorously examined because scientists in general do not consider that gravitons are physical entities that remain attached to the objects that create them. However, if gravitons have mass and remain connected to their source, then it becomes entirely possible that traveling transverse waves originating at source move along the string at high velocity. This forms the basis of VES ether theory.
Maxwell was able to calculate the speed of light using its electric and magnetic properties. This leads to the idea that a sea of graviton waves has its effect on the velocity of light by pushing on the photon’s electons and magnons. This also satisfies the requirement that gravitons influence the string cycles of photons and electrons, and a host of other observations.
The nature of the interaction is totally mechanical, wave against wave, which of course depends on a vast concentration of graviton waves traveling in all directions as already discussed. The waves are in intimate physical contact. For this reason a magnon, which is 299,792,459 times larger than an electon, would have proportional more graviton waves pushing against it. However, gravitons are pushing on 299,792,459 electons for every one magnon, which means magnons and electons are equally involved in the velocity of light and string cycles.
The interaction between graviton waves and a photon’s electon and magnon waves is dependent upon the photon’s string cycle. This is discussed in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Monday, January 30, 2012
Ether (aether) theory articles
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The following is a brief summary of some of the articles on ether theory and relativity, which I offer for your consideration.
P. Cornille (1996) published a paper in the Hadronic Journal (19, p215) entitled: “Does the ether exist?” He sums up his views as follows: “In this paper we review several experiments, including the Michelson-Morley experiment, in order to show that contrary to the usual textbook presentation of special relativity all these experiments are consistent with the existence of randomly fluctuating stationary ether.” VES theory fulfills this condition. Our galaxy is filled with a vast number of gravitons traveling more or less at random in all directions.
F. Goy (1996), in Foundations of Physics Letters (9, p165), stated: “In the last two decades, theories explaining the same experiments as well as special relativity does, were developed by using different synchronization procedures. All of them are ether-like theories. Most authors believe these theories to be equivalent to special relativity”.
H.P. Dart (1971) in Spectroscopy Letters (4, p29) had this to say about the various theories concerning light. “The ether-wave theory of light, suitably modified, is fully supported by all known evidence. Further observation and analysis will be required to determine which of its several forms accurately represents reality. On the other hand….the special theory of relativity is not supported by the evidence.”
F. Selleri (1994) in Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, Proceedings of an international Conference, (Sept. p181) summed up the situation this way: “In particular it will be shown that any modification of the coefficients of the Lorentz transformations, however small, gives rise to an ether theory…”. VES theory needs no modification of the Lorentz equation.
D. McCarthy (1993) in Galilean Electrodynamics (8, p116) pointed out the inconsistency between quantum electrodynamics and special relativity.
F. Winterberg (1988) in Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung (43A, 369) proposed “…ether is the cause of all relativistic effects, and for this reason is assumed to obey a non-relativistic equation of motion…” As we shall see, VES ether theory does obey a form of relativity but in a 3-dimensional world.
G. Spavieri (1988) in Foundation of Physics Letters (1, p387) pointed out “The origin of the equilibrium paradoxes of special relativity is analyzed.” “…inconsistency justifies the search for alternative theories such as the modern ether theories.”
N. Cherepkov (1980) in the Journal of Physics B (Atomic and Molecular Physics) (13, L 687) discusses spin polarization of photoelectrons ejected from outer subshells. He stated that “…in most cases the non-relativistic theory is capable of describing the polarization phenomena.”
R. Nedved, B.S. (1992) in Physics Essays (5, p153) stated: “The relativistic answer is insufficient because of the inconsistency between the Doppler relations and the LT relations.” LT is a reference to the Lorentz transformation.
B. Neganov (1991) in an article in the Hadronic Journal (14, p377) entitled “On the principle of relativity and its violation in the case of a spin precession of moving charge articles,” states: “It is found that in the case of a spin precession of particles moving along a curvilinear trajectory, the principle of relativity is violated up to the first order over the parameter v/c.”
R. Santilli (1996) in the Hadronic Journal (19, p41) pointed out that “The inapplicability of both the special and general relativities for interior dynamical problems is beyond credible doubts because of a truly impressive amount of physical evidence, such as: the impossibility of representing locally varying speeds of light, the inability to treat highly nonlinear, nonlocal and nonalgrangian systems, the transparent impossibility of representing interior orbits with continuously decaying angular momentum, gross inconsistencies occurring even in simple physical media…”.
H. Hayden (1995) in Physics Essays (8, p366) stated: “There is abundant evidence to show that SRT (special relativity theory) must, at the very least, engage in tortuous reasoning to explain some experimental results, among them stellar aberration (which in SRT depends upon relative velocity of Earth and star); the Sagnac and Michelson-Gale experiments; the Allen around-the-world Sagnac experiment; the Hafele-Keating experiment; the Brillet-Hall experiment; and the Champeney-Moon experiment.”
Stellar aberration of light occurs when two observers in motion on the Earth see a distant star from two different locations with respect to the line of motion. It was first described by Bradley in 1729 and is the oldest proof that Earth rotates around the Sun.
C. Whitney at Tufts University, (1994) pointed out in Galilean Electrodynamics (5, p98) that “Stellar aberration has been the subject of recent critiques of special relativity theory because of its apparent inconsistency with Doppler shifts. Careful analysis can remove this conflict. But the analysis requires unwelcome recourse to an unwanted coordinate frame reminiscent of absolute space. So even if reconciled with Doppler shifts, stellar aberration remains an embarrassment to special relativity theory.”
P. Naur (1999) in Physics Essays (12, p358) explained that prior to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, stellar aberration was explained by “waves in the ether.”
O. Jefimenko (1998) in Z. Naturforsch (53A, p977) had this to say: “The calculations presented in this paper show that some of the experiments allegedly proving the reality of length contraction and time dilation can be unambiguously interpreted as manifestations of velocity-dependent dynamical interactions taking place within the systems involved in the experiments rather than as manifestations of length contraction or time dilation.” This is precisely what VES ether theory does.
There are many other physicists who have expressed their disbelief in relativity that are not reported here, as well as those who believe in an ether theory. Some of these individuals are mentioned in the discussions that follow. I will now return to VES ether theory. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The following is a brief summary of some of the articles on ether theory and relativity, which I offer for your consideration.
P. Cornille (1996) published a paper in the Hadronic Journal (19, p215) entitled: “Does the ether exist?” He sums up his views as follows: “In this paper we review several experiments, including the Michelson-Morley experiment, in order to show that contrary to the usual textbook presentation of special relativity all these experiments are consistent with the existence of randomly fluctuating stationary ether.” VES theory fulfills this condition. Our galaxy is filled with a vast number of gravitons traveling more or less at random in all directions.
F. Goy (1996), in Foundations of Physics Letters (9, p165), stated: “In the last two decades, theories explaining the same experiments as well as special relativity does, were developed by using different synchronization procedures. All of them are ether-like theories. Most authors believe these theories to be equivalent to special relativity”.
H.P. Dart (1971) in Spectroscopy Letters (4, p29) had this to say about the various theories concerning light. “The ether-wave theory of light, suitably modified, is fully supported by all known evidence. Further observation and analysis will be required to determine which of its several forms accurately represents reality. On the other hand….the special theory of relativity is not supported by the evidence.”
F. Selleri (1994) in Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, Proceedings of an international Conference, (Sept. p181) summed up the situation this way: “In particular it will be shown that any modification of the coefficients of the Lorentz transformations, however small, gives rise to an ether theory…”. VES theory needs no modification of the Lorentz equation.
D. McCarthy (1993) in Galilean Electrodynamics (8, p116) pointed out the inconsistency between quantum electrodynamics and special relativity.
F. Winterberg (1988) in Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung (43A, 369) proposed “…ether is the cause of all relativistic effects, and for this reason is assumed to obey a non-relativistic equation of motion…” As we shall see, VES ether theory does obey a form of relativity but in a 3-dimensional world.
G. Spavieri (1988) in Foundation of Physics Letters (1, p387) pointed out “The origin of the equilibrium paradoxes of special relativity is analyzed.” “…inconsistency justifies the search for alternative theories such as the modern ether theories.”
N. Cherepkov (1980) in the Journal of Physics B (Atomic and Molecular Physics) (13, L 687) discusses spin polarization of photoelectrons ejected from outer subshells. He stated that “…in most cases the non-relativistic theory is capable of describing the polarization phenomena.”
R. Nedved, B.S. (1992) in Physics Essays (5, p153) stated: “The relativistic answer is insufficient because of the inconsistency between the Doppler relations and the LT relations.” LT is a reference to the Lorentz transformation.
B. Neganov (1991) in an article in the Hadronic Journal (14, p377) entitled “On the principle of relativity and its violation in the case of a spin precession of moving charge articles,” states: “It is found that in the case of a spin precession of particles moving along a curvilinear trajectory, the principle of relativity is violated up to the first order over the parameter v/c.”
R. Santilli (1996) in the Hadronic Journal (19, p41) pointed out that “The inapplicability of both the special and general relativities for interior dynamical problems is beyond credible doubts because of a truly impressive amount of physical evidence, such as: the impossibility of representing locally varying speeds of light, the inability to treat highly nonlinear, nonlocal and nonalgrangian systems, the transparent impossibility of representing interior orbits with continuously decaying angular momentum, gross inconsistencies occurring even in simple physical media…”.
H. Hayden (1995) in Physics Essays (8, p366) stated: “There is abundant evidence to show that SRT (special relativity theory) must, at the very least, engage in tortuous reasoning to explain some experimental results, among them stellar aberration (which in SRT depends upon relative velocity of Earth and star); the Sagnac and Michelson-Gale experiments; the Allen around-the-world Sagnac experiment; the Hafele-Keating experiment; the Brillet-Hall experiment; and the Champeney-Moon experiment.”
Stellar aberration of light occurs when two observers in motion on the Earth see a distant star from two different locations with respect to the line of motion. It was first described by Bradley in 1729 and is the oldest proof that Earth rotates around the Sun.
C. Whitney at Tufts University, (1994) pointed out in Galilean Electrodynamics (5, p98) that “Stellar aberration has been the subject of recent critiques of special relativity theory because of its apparent inconsistency with Doppler shifts. Careful analysis can remove this conflict. But the analysis requires unwelcome recourse to an unwanted coordinate frame reminiscent of absolute space. So even if reconciled with Doppler shifts, stellar aberration remains an embarrassment to special relativity theory.”
P. Naur (1999) in Physics Essays (12, p358) explained that prior to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, stellar aberration was explained by “waves in the ether.”
O. Jefimenko (1998) in Z. Naturforsch (53A, p977) had this to say: “The calculations presented in this paper show that some of the experiments allegedly proving the reality of length contraction and time dilation can be unambiguously interpreted as manifestations of velocity-dependent dynamical interactions taking place within the systems involved in the experiments rather than as manifestations of length contraction or time dilation.” This is precisely what VES ether theory does.
There are many other physicists who have expressed their disbelief in relativity that are not reported here, as well as those who believe in an ether theory. Some of these individuals are mentioned in the discussions that follow. I will now return to VES ether theory. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Aether theory,
elastic strings,
Ether theory
Sunday, January 29, 2012
VES ether theory (Virtual Elastic String ether theory)
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Not long after I realized that gravitons might influence string cycles and modulate the velocity of light, I discovered that a large number of scientist over many decades have insisted that an ether theory (also spelled aether) would replace the need to believe that relativity is due to a four dimensional world. It was apparent that this portion of elastic string theory was a form of ether theory.
According to modern day ether theory, there are waves in the space that surrounds us that are responsible for a number of observations attributed to special relativity. Asimov in his physics book published in 1966 made this point: The substance carrying the wave had to be solid; it could not be a gas—all the parts had to be interconnected. Elastic graviton strings fits this idea beautifully. A graviton is composed of matter, with mass, and it is stretched across galaxies.
Over the decades, a large number of individuals have published articles insisting that ether theory completely replaces the need to believe in the special theory of relativity. I found it interesting that Lorentz believed in an ether theory. In other words, he felt there were waves in the ether that maintained the velocity of light at 299,792,459 meters per second in the Michelson-Morley experiment, not shrinkage of the instrument as dictated by his equation (to be explained in a future blog).
Before I continue on with my VES ether model I will review some of the articles devoted to ether theory. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Not long after I realized that gravitons might influence string cycles and modulate the velocity of light, I discovered that a large number of scientist over many decades have insisted that an ether theory (also spelled aether) would replace the need to believe that relativity is due to a four dimensional world. It was apparent that this portion of elastic string theory was a form of ether theory.
According to modern day ether theory, there are waves in the space that surrounds us that are responsible for a number of observations attributed to special relativity. Asimov in his physics book published in 1966 made this point: The substance carrying the wave had to be solid; it could not be a gas—all the parts had to be interconnected. Elastic graviton strings fits this idea beautifully. A graviton is composed of matter, with mass, and it is stretched across galaxies.
Over the decades, a large number of individuals have published articles insisting that ether theory completely replaces the need to believe in the special theory of relativity. I found it interesting that Lorentz believed in an ether theory. In other words, he felt there were waves in the ether that maintained the velocity of light at 299,792,459 meters per second in the Michelson-Morley experiment, not shrinkage of the instrument as dictated by his equation (to be explained in a future blog).
Before I continue on with my VES ether model I will review some of the articles devoted to ether theory. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Aether theory,
Ether theory,
VES ether theory
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Shape of elastic string waves
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
In their physics book published in 1981, Halliday and Resnick provide drawings of traveling transverse waves for a common string. They point out that the string’s elastic properties are responsible for the waves. The shape of the pulse created is similar to that shown in the following illustration.

Experiments have shown that the pulse does not change its shape as it moves along the string, and it will continue indefinitely if there are no internal frictional losses. This is exactly what we should expect for gravitons because gravitons have perfect elasticity and perfect cohesiveness.
A physical disturbance on the electron sends moving transverse waves along the string. The waves have small amplitudes and move with great velocity. This allows moving transverse graviton waves to transfer energy to other subatomic particles. In the blogs that follow, I will present a model to show how graviton waves provide the energy needed to explain the effect of gravitons on string cycles and their affect on moving subatomic particles. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
In their physics book published in 1981, Halliday and Resnick provide drawings of traveling transverse waves for a common string. They point out that the string’s elastic properties are responsible for the waves. The shape of the pulse created is similar to that shown in the following illustration.

Experiments have shown that the pulse does not change its shape as it moves along the string, and it will continue indefinitely if there are no internal frictional losses. This is exactly what we should expect for gravitons because gravitons have perfect elasticity and perfect cohesiveness.
A physical disturbance on the electron sends moving transverse waves along the string. The waves have small amplitudes and move with great velocity. This allows moving transverse graviton waves to transfer energy to other subatomic particles. In the blogs that follow, I will present a model to show how graviton waves provide the energy needed to explain the effect of gravitons on string cycles and their affect on moving subatomic particles. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Friday, January 27, 2012
Portals create string waves
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Virtual particles are ejected through portals one at a time until a full complement of strings is created. Thus a portal for gravitons may at any one time hold a fairly large number of strings that remain bound to their source. This means every time the portal opens and snaps shut it will create a physical disturbance on the string that will cause a wave with small amplitude to travel away from its source.
Because the waves are created by the opening and closing of portals, it means that magnon and electon strings also have traveling transverse waves, and the frequency of the waves is the same for all strings since all portals likely make the same number of strings in the same time frame.
In the next blog, I will review the shape of the waves. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Virtual particles are ejected through portals one at a time until a full complement of strings is created. Thus a portal for gravitons may at any one time hold a fairly large number of strings that remain bound to their source. This means every time the portal opens and snaps shut it will create a physical disturbance on the string that will cause a wave with small amplitude to travel away from its source.
Because the waves are created by the opening and closing of portals, it means that magnon and electon strings also have traveling transverse waves, and the frequency of the waves is the same for all strings since all portals likely make the same number of strings in the same time frame.
In the next blog, I will review the shape of the waves. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Energy in a sea of graviton waves
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The question is what is their in the vast space around us that provides a source of energy that modulates the velocity of photons and electrons, and modifies the string cycles of these particles. The obvious candidate is gravitons as mentioned in the previous blog. To accomplish this task:
• There must be a vast concentration of gravitons in the space about us—a veritable sea of gravitons.
• Gravitons must transmit energy in the form of transverse traveling waves.
• Graviton waves must transfer energy to the electons and magnons associated with subatomic particles; i.e. photons, electrons, and quarks.
I previously discussed the idea that photons and electrons might make as many as 29,979,245,900 electons (about 10^10) in every string cycle. Because these strings have virtual properties, they only last for a brief period of time. If the string cycle frequency of the particle is in the neighborhood of 10^15 per second, then it must make and retract 10^10 electons in this period of time. Now, if we assume that the same number of gravitons are made in one string cycle, but exist for a full second, then a single electron, photon, or quark would contribute 10^25 gravitons to the space about the particle at any one time. This number is again magnified because all the stars and planets in our solar system, and all the stars and planets in our local cluster of galaxies contribute to the sea of gravitons surrounding Earth. This huge number forms a dense fabric of elastic strings that occupy the ether about us. This is not true for electons, magnons, and gluons because they only extend a limited distance in space, and they only exist for a very brief period of time. For this reason, we can expect graviton density to be at least 10^15 times greater than electon density, and 10^25 times greater than magnon density.
The concentration of gravitons varies greatly. For example, gravitons emanating from Earth are about 1000 fold greater at Earth’s surface than the concentration of gravitons arriving here from our Sun, and even fewer gravitons are contributed by the Milky Way Galaxy. However, the number of gravitons arriving here from outer space is huge even if Earth’s gravitons overshadow them. We can say without doubt, there is a sea of gravitons oriented in all directions forming a dense fabric in space. I believe this is why I was able to show that a spinning table tennis ball continues to curve in a vacuum.
n my next blog, I will discuss graviton waves. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The question is what is their in the vast space around us that provides a source of energy that modulates the velocity of photons and electrons, and modifies the string cycles of these particles. The obvious candidate is gravitons as mentioned in the previous blog. To accomplish this task:
• There must be a vast concentration of gravitons in the space about us—a veritable sea of gravitons.
• Gravitons must transmit energy in the form of transverse traveling waves.
• Graviton waves must transfer energy to the electons and magnons associated with subatomic particles; i.e. photons, electrons, and quarks.
I previously discussed the idea that photons and electrons might make as many as 29,979,245,900 electons (about 10^10) in every string cycle. Because these strings have virtual properties, they only last for a brief period of time. If the string cycle frequency of the particle is in the neighborhood of 10^15 per second, then it must make and retract 10^10 electons in this period of time. Now, if we assume that the same number of gravitons are made in one string cycle, but exist for a full second, then a single electron, photon, or quark would contribute 10^25 gravitons to the space about the particle at any one time. This number is again magnified because all the stars and planets in our solar system, and all the stars and planets in our local cluster of galaxies contribute to the sea of gravitons surrounding Earth. This huge number forms a dense fabric of elastic strings that occupy the ether about us. This is not true for electons, magnons, and gluons because they only extend a limited distance in space, and they only exist for a very brief period of time. For this reason, we can expect graviton density to be at least 10^15 times greater than electon density, and 10^25 times greater than magnon density.
The concentration of gravitons varies greatly. For example, gravitons emanating from Earth are about 1000 fold greater at Earth’s surface than the concentration of gravitons arriving here from our Sun, and even fewer gravitons are contributed by the Milky Way Galaxy. However, the number of gravitons arriving here from outer space is huge even if Earth’s gravitons overshadow them. We can say without doubt, there is a sea of gravitons oriented in all directions forming a dense fabric in space. I believe this is why I was able to show that a spinning table tennis ball continues to curve in a vacuum.
n my next blog, I will discuss graviton waves. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
A source of energy is a good thing
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
In addition to the effect of gravitational fields on elastic string frequency, there are a number of other important observations related to this subject that I will simply list here:
• The speed of light appears to be invariant.
• It requires more energy than expected to increase the velocity of electrons in particle accelerators.
• Radioactive particles in particle accelerators emit less radiation than expected.
• Atomic clocks run slower when moving.
• Maxwell calculated the speed of light using its electric and magnetic properties.
• Electrons in orbit never spiral into protons.
It is obvious that a unique source of energy is needed to account for these observations.
• The energy source must account for the behavior of electrons and radioactive particles in particle accelerators.
• The energy source much act in concert with magnons and electons to satisfy Maxwell’s equations.
• The energy source must be capable of modifying atomic clocks.
• The energy source must be capable of modifying radioactive particle emission.
• The energy source must be associated with gravitons because gravitational fields influence (1) the string cycles of photons in flight, (2) emission by radioactive particles, (3) keeping time by atomic clocks, and (4) the size of the photon created by atoms.
I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
In addition to the effect of gravitational fields on elastic string frequency, there are a number of other important observations related to this subject that I will simply list here:
• The speed of light appears to be invariant.
• It requires more energy than expected to increase the velocity of electrons in particle accelerators.
• Radioactive particles in particle accelerators emit less radiation than expected.
• Atomic clocks run slower when moving.
• Maxwell calculated the speed of light using its electric and magnetic properties.
• Electrons in orbit never spiral into protons.
It is obvious that a unique source of energy is needed to account for these observations.
• The energy source must account for the behavior of electrons and radioactive particles in particle accelerators.
• The energy source much act in concert with magnons and electons to satisfy Maxwell’s equations.
• The energy source must be capable of modifying atomic clocks.
• The energy source must be capable of modifying radioactive particle emission.
• The energy source must be associated with gravitons because gravitational fields influence (1) the string cycles of photons in flight, (2) emission by radioactive particles, (3) keeping time by atomic clocks, and (4) the size of the photon created by atoms.
I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Gravitons influence string cycles
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
There are several important observations that show gravitational fields affect photons, atomic clocks, and radioactive particles. I will briefly summarize these observations here; then take them up in more detail in future blogs.
Gravitational red shift: Photons received here on Earth from dense stars with high gravitational fields have lower oscillation frequencies than expected. Physicists refer to this as a gravitation red shift because red is the lowest frequency of visible light.
Gravitational frequency shift: Physicists have shown that cesium atomic clocks tick slower in stronger gravitational fields; thus the oscillation frequency of the atom slows down. Physicists refer to this red shift as a gravitational frequency shift.
Radioactive particle emission: Physicists have shown that radioactive particles emit less radiation in stronger gravitational fields. This can be accounted for if the string cycle frequency is lower.
Photons traveling through a strong gravitational field have lower oscillation frequency, which is another form of gravitational frequency shift; although here, we must take into account the movement of the photon.
These observations prove dramatically that gravitons influence the creation of photons and modify their oscillation frequency. These experiments also prove that gravitons affect the emission of radioactive particles and the rate cesium atomic clocks tick per second. These observations can all be accounted for if gravitons influence the string cycles of electrons, photons, and quarks. Just how this is accomplished is taken up in future blogs. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
There are several important observations that show gravitational fields affect photons, atomic clocks, and radioactive particles. I will briefly summarize these observations here; then take them up in more detail in future blogs.
Gravitational red shift: Photons received here on Earth from dense stars with high gravitational fields have lower oscillation frequencies than expected. Physicists refer to this as a gravitation red shift because red is the lowest frequency of visible light.
Gravitational frequency shift: Physicists have shown that cesium atomic clocks tick slower in stronger gravitational fields; thus the oscillation frequency of the atom slows down. Physicists refer to this red shift as a gravitational frequency shift.
Radioactive particle emission: Physicists have shown that radioactive particles emit less radiation in stronger gravitational fields. This can be accounted for if the string cycle frequency is lower.
Photons traveling through a strong gravitational field have lower oscillation frequency, which is another form of gravitational frequency shift; although here, we must take into account the movement of the photon.
These observations prove dramatically that gravitons influence the creation of photons and modify their oscillation frequency. These experiments also prove that gravitons affect the emission of radioactive particles and the rate cesium atomic clocks tick per second. These observations can all be accounted for if gravitons influence the string cycles of electrons, photons, and quarks. Just how this is accomplished is taken up in future blogs. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Monday, January 23, 2012
Gravitons influence string cycles and the velocity of electrons and photons
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
In previous blogs, I explained how gravitons emanating from the Sun affect the spin and orbital patterns of planets, not only because of their gravitational force of attraction, but because solar bodies must plow through a vast number of these physical strings in space that remain attached to their source. Now, in the next series of blogs, I will explain how a sea of gravitons modifies string cycles and the velocity of subatomic particles.
• The evidence is clear that graviton concentration is correlated with the rate atoms and subatomic particles go through their string cycles.
• The evidence is clear that gravitons influence the velocity of subatomic particles, which explains relativity and the invariant nature of the speed of light.
I will begin this discussion with the first proposition. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
In previous blogs, I explained how gravitons emanating from the Sun affect the spin and orbital patterns of planets, not only because of their gravitational force of attraction, but because solar bodies must plow through a vast number of these physical strings in space that remain attached to their source. Now, in the next series of blogs, I will explain how a sea of gravitons modifies string cycles and the velocity of subatomic particles.
• The evidence is clear that graviton concentration is correlated with the rate atoms and subatomic particles go through their string cycles.
• The evidence is clear that gravitons influence the velocity of subatomic particles, which explains relativity and the invariant nature of the speed of light.
I will begin this discussion with the first proposition. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Reflection of light
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D
When light shines on the surface of a lake, a portion of the photons enters the water where their paths are bent by refraction. Another portion of the light is reflected off the surface of the lake. If the photon’s virtual particles are ejected down into the lake as water and photon meet, it will cause the photon to enter the water where it will be bent as discussed under refraction. If the photon’s elastic strings are in the same plane as the water surface, the photon will be reflected into space. This causes the reflected photons to be polarized.
The momentum of a visible light photon is 100 billion times greater than a radio wave photon. For this reason, a visible light photon striking a hard, non-polished surface reacts more to the immediate angle it encounters rather than the total surface angle. In contrast, the radio wave will be more influenced by its strings that are strung out across the uneven surface. For this reason, the angle of reflection will be more nearly like the plane of the whole surface.
In the next series of blogs, I will explain how gravitons affect string cycles and the velocity of electrons and photons. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
When light shines on the surface of a lake, a portion of the photons enters the water where their paths are bent by refraction. Another portion of the light is reflected off the surface of the lake. If the photon’s virtual particles are ejected down into the lake as water and photon meet, it will cause the photon to enter the water where it will be bent as discussed under refraction. If the photon’s elastic strings are in the same plane as the water surface, the photon will be reflected into space. This causes the reflected photons to be polarized.
The momentum of a visible light photon is 100 billion times greater than a radio wave photon. For this reason, a visible light photon striking a hard, non-polished surface reacts more to the immediate angle it encounters rather than the total surface angle. In contrast, the radio wave will be more influenced by its strings that are strung out across the uneven surface. For this reason, the angle of reflection will be more nearly like the plane of the whole surface.
In the next series of blogs, I will explain how gravitons affect string cycles and the velocity of electrons and photons. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Polarization of light
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Light is polarized when all the electons emanating from photons are oriented in the same direction as depicted in the next illustration.

The two photons are polarized because their electons are oriented in the same plane. There are no electon virtual particles shot toward the viewer nor directly away from the viewer.
If the electons are in the same plane as shown, it is equally true that magnons are also in the same plane, but at a 90 degree angle to the electon plane. Thus they will be either directed toward the viewer or away from the viewer.
Polarization of light can be achieved by shining light through a crystal. Polarization can be so complete that when a second crystal is oriented 90 degrees to the first, the polarized light can not pass through the second crystal.
In the next blog, I will discuss how elastic strings influence reflection of photons off shiny surfaces. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Light is polarized when all the electons emanating from photons are oriented in the same direction as depicted in the next illustration.

The two photons are polarized because their electons are oriented in the same plane. There are no electon virtual particles shot toward the viewer nor directly away from the viewer.
If the electons are in the same plane as shown, it is equally true that magnons are also in the same plane, but at a 90 degree angle to the electon plane. Thus they will be either directed toward the viewer or away from the viewer.
Polarization of light can be achieved by shining light through a crystal. Polarization can be so complete that when a second crystal is oriented 90 degrees to the first, the polarized light can not pass through the second crystal.
In the next blog, I will discuss how elastic strings influence reflection of photons off shiny surfaces. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Friday, January 20, 2012
Photon fields can cancel or reinforce
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
A group of photons can have their elastic string cycles in synchrony or out of synchrony. When they are in complete synchrony, the strengths of the electon fields increase because they are all contributing to the number of free e-electons and free p-electons in the same time frame. We see this as in increase in the amplitude of the wave as depicted in the next illustration.

When photons are completely out of synchrony, the p-electons on one photon bind to the e-electons on the other photon. Cancellation occurs because our instruments cannot detect bonded complementary electons. This is shown in the following illustration.

Of course, partial cancellation occurs if photons are only partly out of synchrony.
This observation clearly demonstrates why it is possible that a single photon can be making two units of p-electons and one unit of e-electons in the same time frame; yet, our instruments can only detect one unit of p-electons.
In the next blog, I will explain how elastic strings cause the polarization of light. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
A group of photons can have their elastic string cycles in synchrony or out of synchrony. When they are in complete synchrony, the strengths of the electon fields increase because they are all contributing to the number of free e-electons and free p-electons in the same time frame. We see this as in increase in the amplitude of the wave as depicted in the next illustration.

When photons are completely out of synchrony, the p-electons on one photon bind to the e-electons on the other photon. Cancellation occurs because our instruments cannot detect bonded complementary electons. This is shown in the following illustration.

Of course, partial cancellation occurs if photons are only partly out of synchrony.
This observation clearly demonstrates why it is possible that a single photon can be making two units of p-electons and one unit of e-electons in the same time frame; yet, our instruments can only detect one unit of p-electons.
In the next blog, I will explain how elastic strings cause the polarization of light. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Photons change direction when they enter glass
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
When a photon leaves the air and enters a denser medium at an angle, the flight path of the photon changes direction. A fish at the bottom of a pool is deeper than it appears, and in the same manner, light that enters glass at an angle is deflected. This is depicted in the following illustration.

A photon changes its flight path because its elastic strings are ejected at 90 degrees to its line of flight. Those strings that penetrate the glass will cause the photon to pivot and change their flight direction. A photon is not a simple wave oriented in just one plane; it is more like a fuzz ball with respect to its strings, which means more often than not elastic strings will penetrate the glass and cause it to pivot. The same considerations apply when the photon exits glass, only now the strings cause the photon to return to its original line of flight.
Visible white light from our Sun is composed of photons of many different frequencies. When this light is passed through a prism, it reveals the true composition of the light. Scientists have shown that blue light bends more when going through a glass prism than red light. This is shown in the following illustration.

Red light has the lowest oscillation frequency of all visible light, while blue light has one of the highest with almost twice the frequency of red light. This means at that critical point when light first enters the prism, photons that make up blue light create anchor points faster than red photons. On average blue photons will be curving twice as soon as the red photons, which will cause the separation of photons of different frequency.
In the next blog, we will see how elastic strings explain reinforcement and interference. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
When a photon leaves the air and enters a denser medium at an angle, the flight path of the photon changes direction. A fish at the bottom of a pool is deeper than it appears, and in the same manner, light that enters glass at an angle is deflected. This is depicted in the following illustration.

A photon changes its flight path because its elastic strings are ejected at 90 degrees to its line of flight. Those strings that penetrate the glass will cause the photon to pivot and change their flight direction. A photon is not a simple wave oriented in just one plane; it is more like a fuzz ball with respect to its strings, which means more often than not elastic strings will penetrate the glass and cause it to pivot. The same considerations apply when the photon exits glass, only now the strings cause the photon to return to its original line of flight.
Visible white light from our Sun is composed of photons of many different frequencies. When this light is passed through a prism, it reveals the true composition of the light. Scientists have shown that blue light bends more when going through a glass prism than red light. This is shown in the following illustration.

Red light has the lowest oscillation frequency of all visible light, while blue light has one of the highest with almost twice the frequency of red light. This means at that critical point when light first enters the prism, photons that make up blue light create anchor points faster than red photons. On average blue photons will be curving twice as soon as the red photons, which will cause the separation of photons of different frequency.
In the next blog, we will see how elastic strings explain reinforcement and interference. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Photons bend around objects
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
Although there is a great deal of evidence proving photons are particles, there is equally valid, strong evidence that photons have wave properties. The particle-wave duality of photons and electrons has sparked much debate for more than 300 years; however, elastic string theory easily explains particle-wave duality. Let’s begin this discussion with diffraction.
The observation that photons bend around solid objects is called diffraction. It was first observed by Grimaldi, an Italian scientist, in 1665.
According to elastic string theory, the photon’s magnetic fields are composed of magnons that are ejected at right angles to the photon’s line of flight, and the electric fields are composed of electons that are also ejected at right angles to the photon’s line of flight. It is also true that magnons and electons are ejected at right angles to each other.
The elastic strings have physical properties; i.e. they have mass.
Imagine a photon traveling past a thin wall as shown in the following illustration.

If electons are the strings striking the wall, the orientation of magnons will be up or down, which means they will have no bearing on the deflection of the photon. The opposite is true if magnons strike the wall. However, since the total mass is the same for each, the photon will be deflected the same either way.
Scientists have frequently studied the deflection of photons using slit experiments. In this case, the photons are directed through a thin slit and deflection is observed as the photons pass the wall. This is shown in the following picture, which was taken from Wikipedia.

In this single slit experiment, those photons whose strings strike the barrier on the left are diverted left, while those photons whose strings strike the right side of the slit are deflected to the right. This reasoning explains all slit experiments that show photons and electrons have wave properties. When the width of the slit is extended, only photons passing near the barrier are deflected.
A radio wave photon is bent more than a photon of visible light when it passes by an obstruction because a photon of visible light has 100 billion times more momentum than a radio wave photon. However, both will be deflected to some degree. This observation provides another convincing line of evidence that photons in flight have mass, just as their strings must have mass.
It is true that all elastic strings tend to be swept to the rear as they pass through a field of gravitons crisscrossing in all directions. In most cases the concentration of the graviton field is uniform, which allows a photon to travel a straight path. It must be that a solid wall deflects a photon faster than the matrix of gravitons otherwise the photon would not curve as shown.
Diffraction experiments clearly support elastic string theory.
In the next blog, we will take up another mechanism for changing the flight path of a photon that involves its wave properties. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Although there is a great deal of evidence proving photons are particles, there is equally valid, strong evidence that photons have wave properties. The particle-wave duality of photons and electrons has sparked much debate for more than 300 years; however, elastic string theory easily explains particle-wave duality. Let’s begin this discussion with diffraction.
The observation that photons bend around solid objects is called diffraction. It was first observed by Grimaldi, an Italian scientist, in 1665.
According to elastic string theory, the photon’s magnetic fields are composed of magnons that are ejected at right angles to the photon’s line of flight, and the electric fields are composed of electons that are also ejected at right angles to the photon’s line of flight. It is also true that magnons and electons are ejected at right angles to each other.
The elastic strings have physical properties; i.e. they have mass.
Imagine a photon traveling past a thin wall as shown in the following illustration.

If electons are the strings striking the wall, the orientation of magnons will be up or down, which means they will have no bearing on the deflection of the photon. The opposite is true if magnons strike the wall. However, since the total mass is the same for each, the photon will be deflected the same either way.
Scientists have frequently studied the deflection of photons using slit experiments. In this case, the photons are directed through a thin slit and deflection is observed as the photons pass the wall. This is shown in the following picture, which was taken from Wikipedia.

In this single slit experiment, those photons whose strings strike the barrier on the left are diverted left, while those photons whose strings strike the right side of the slit are deflected to the right. This reasoning explains all slit experiments that show photons and electrons have wave properties. When the width of the slit is extended, only photons passing near the barrier are deflected.
A radio wave photon is bent more than a photon of visible light when it passes by an obstruction because a photon of visible light has 100 billion times more momentum than a radio wave photon. However, both will be deflected to some degree. This observation provides another convincing line of evidence that photons in flight have mass, just as their strings must have mass.
It is true that all elastic strings tend to be swept to the rear as they pass through a field of gravitons crisscrossing in all directions. In most cases the concentration of the graviton field is uniform, which allows a photon to travel a straight path. It must be that a solid wall deflects a photon faster than the matrix of gravitons otherwise the photon would not curve as shown.
Diffraction experiments clearly support elastic string theory.
In the next blog, we will take up another mechanism for changing the flight path of a photon that involves its wave properties. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Portals alternate making strings.
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
My model for the photon shows it is composed of two spheres separated by retracting gravitons. My model also dictates the following:
• A photon has at least three magnon portals on each sphere as shown in the illustration.
• A photon has 299,792,459 electon portals for every magnon portal
• The retraction of elastic strings by a photon requires more than ½ of string cycle.
• If a portal is still retracting strings, it cannot eject strings at the same time.

Magnon portals #2 and #3 on the orange sphere are not creating any new strings because their strings have not completely retracted from the previous cycle. The same is true for portal #3 on the green sphere.
The two #1 portals create 100 n-magnons and 100 s-magnons that become bound as complementary strings. The strings are distributed at random around the photon because the photon is spinning rapidly on its axis. As they retract, they put great pressure on the outside of the photon.
In the next string cycle, the reverse occurs. #3 portals will be creating the 100 pairs of retracting bound complementary magnons, and the #2 orange portal will be ejecting free strings. All of the other portals will be preoccupied with retracting strings.
What is true for magnons is equally true for electons only in this case there are 299,792,459 electon portals for every magnon portal. At the time the #2 portal on the green sphere is making 100 free magnons, there are 299,792,459 electon portals on the orange sphere and each is making 100 free electons. The mass and energy of the free electons is exactly equal to the mass and energy of the free magnons. In addition to free electons, the photon has 299,792,459 electon portals on one sphere creating e-electons and the same number on the orange sphere creating p-electons; the strings created become bound as complementary strings. They too are distributing at random on the surface of the photon. As they retract back to their portals they exert great pressure on the surface of the photon. Magnons and electons are equally responsible for constricting the photon, which means they are equally responsible for inducing a new round of strings.
I will now turn the subject to the wave properties of photons. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
My model for the photon shows it is composed of two spheres separated by retracting gravitons. My model also dictates the following:
• A photon has at least three magnon portals on each sphere as shown in the illustration.
• A photon has 299,792,459 electon portals for every magnon portal
• The retraction of elastic strings by a photon requires more than ½ of string cycle.
• If a portal is still retracting strings, it cannot eject strings at the same time.

Magnon portals #2 and #3 on the orange sphere are not creating any new strings because their strings have not completely retracted from the previous cycle. The same is true for portal #3 on the green sphere.
The two #1 portals create 100 n-magnons and 100 s-magnons that become bound as complementary strings. The strings are distributed at random around the photon because the photon is spinning rapidly on its axis. As they retract, they put great pressure on the outside of the photon.
In the next string cycle, the reverse occurs. #3 portals will be creating the 100 pairs of retracting bound complementary magnons, and the #2 orange portal will be ejecting free strings. All of the other portals will be preoccupied with retracting strings.
What is true for magnons is equally true for electons only in this case there are 299,792,459 electon portals for every magnon portal. At the time the #2 portal on the green sphere is making 100 free magnons, there are 299,792,459 electon portals on the orange sphere and each is making 100 free electons. The mass and energy of the free electons is exactly equal to the mass and energy of the free magnons. In addition to free electons, the photon has 299,792,459 electon portals on one sphere creating e-electons and the same number on the orange sphere creating p-electons; the strings created become bound as complementary strings. They too are distributing at random on the surface of the photon. As they retract back to their portals they exert great pressure on the surface of the photon. Magnons and electons are equally responsible for constricting the photon, which means they are equally responsible for inducing a new round of strings.
I will now turn the subject to the wave properties of photons. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Monday, January 16, 2012
The size of string portals
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The virtual particle that is to become an elastic string is ejected through a portal. My model suggests there are unique portals for magnons, electons, and gravitons.
An examination of the photon’s string cycle shows that strings are made in stages until a full complement of strings is created during one string cycle. We know 299,792,459 electons are created for every magnon during one cycle. If the photon creates 100 free n-magnons (one unit) during one string cycle, it could do so by using just one portal for n-magnons, located on the sphere composed of n-goo. The n-magnon portal would eject one n-magnon virtual particle at a time until all 100 had been ejected. For every n-magnon portal there would be 299,792,459 electon portals on the other sphere. Each portal would eject 100 electon virtual particles in the same time frame needed for one magnon portal to eject 100 magnons. For ease in discussion, one unit of electons would be equivalent to 29,979,245,900 electons. The electons ejected from one sphere would have the same mass and energy as the magnons ejected from the other sphere. The two spheres would be in balance.
Although the number of electon portals contemplated is large, each portal is extremely small compared to a magnon portal; in fact, the size of the portal opening for one magnon is the same as the combined area of 299,792,459 electon portals. It is envisioned that e-electon portals are distributed at random on one sphere, and p-electon portals are distributed at random on the other sphere. Because photons are very large compared to virtual particles, there is plenty of room for a large number of portals even on a small radio wave photon.
Gravitons would have their own unique portals that arise at the center between the two spheres. Each graviton is composed of n-goo and s-goo in random fashion that makes each graviton unique. This feature does not allow them to bind and create a force of attraction, nor does it permit them to bind and create a force of repulsion. Gravitons are thought to be much smaller than any other string, and consequently their portals are that much smaller. I will take this subject up again at a later date.
The model holds that in one string cycle, one sphere is making two units of n-magnons and one unit of p-electons, and the other sphere is making one unit of s-magnons and two units of e-electons. This suggests that retraction and integration of magnon and electon strings into primordial goo takes longer than one half of a string cycle. This is the subject of my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The virtual particle that is to become an elastic string is ejected through a portal. My model suggests there are unique portals for magnons, electons, and gravitons.
An examination of the photon’s string cycle shows that strings are made in stages until a full complement of strings is created during one string cycle. We know 299,792,459 electons are created for every magnon during one cycle. If the photon creates 100 free n-magnons (one unit) during one string cycle, it could do so by using just one portal for n-magnons, located on the sphere composed of n-goo. The n-magnon portal would eject one n-magnon virtual particle at a time until all 100 had been ejected. For every n-magnon portal there would be 299,792,459 electon portals on the other sphere. Each portal would eject 100 electon virtual particles in the same time frame needed for one magnon portal to eject 100 magnons. For ease in discussion, one unit of electons would be equivalent to 29,979,245,900 electons. The electons ejected from one sphere would have the same mass and energy as the magnons ejected from the other sphere. The two spheres would be in balance.
Although the number of electon portals contemplated is large, each portal is extremely small compared to a magnon portal; in fact, the size of the portal opening for one magnon is the same as the combined area of 299,792,459 electon portals. It is envisioned that e-electon portals are distributed at random on one sphere, and p-electon portals are distributed at random on the other sphere. Because photons are very large compared to virtual particles, there is plenty of room for a large number of portals even on a small radio wave photon.
Gravitons would have their own unique portals that arise at the center between the two spheres. Each graviton is composed of n-goo and s-goo in random fashion that makes each graviton unique. This feature does not allow them to bind and create a force of attraction, nor does it permit them to bind and create a force of repulsion. Gravitons are thought to be much smaller than any other string, and consequently their portals are that much smaller. I will take this subject up again at a later date.
The model holds that in one string cycle, one sphere is making two units of n-magnons and one unit of p-electons, and the other sphere is making one unit of s-magnons and two units of e-electons. This suggests that retraction and integration of magnon and electon strings into primordial goo takes longer than one half of a string cycle. This is the subject of my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Self-induction of elastic strings
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
My model for the elastic string cycle and the self-induction of elastic strings demands that photons are creating e-electons and p-electons in the same time frame. We can only measure the one in excess because the other becomes bound to its complimentary twin. Interference experiments prove that the two fields cancel each other out as discussed in a future blog. This would also be true for magnons.
If electons and magnons share equally in compressing the photon during the string cycle, it means that 299,792,459 complementary electon pairs surround and constrict the photon as they retract compared to just one complementary magnon pair. Perhaps, then, there are something like 100 n-magnons bound to 100 s-magnons, which would mean there would be 29,979,245,900 e-electons bound to the same number of p-electons. The bound, retracting complementary pairs would cover the electron like an orange peel, which ultimately constricts the electron into an extremely dense particle. The energy of the retracting strings is stored as potential energy in the form of a dense elastic ball of primordial goo. A portion of this goo is destined to become virtual particles in the next string cycle. Kelland—
My model for the elastic string cycle and the self-induction of elastic strings demands that photons are creating e-electons and p-electons in the same time frame. We can only measure the one in excess because the other becomes bound to its complimentary twin. Interference experiments prove that the two fields cancel each other out as discussed in a future blog. This would also be true for magnons.
If electons and magnons share equally in compressing the photon during the string cycle, it means that 299,792,459 complementary electon pairs surround and constrict the photon as they retract compared to just one complementary magnon pair. Perhaps, then, there are something like 100 n-magnons bound to 100 s-magnons, which would mean there would be 29,979,245,900 e-electons bound to the same number of p-electons. The bound, retracting complementary pairs would cover the electron like an orange peel, which ultimately constricts the electron into an extremely dense particle. The energy of the retracting strings is stored as potential energy in the form of a dense elastic ball of primordial goo. A portion of this goo is destined to become virtual particles in the next string cycle. Kelland—
Friday, January 13, 2012
Composition of the photon’s electric and magnetic fields
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
In the previous blog, we saw how the speed of light is equal to magnitude of the photon’s electric field divided by the magnitude of the photon’s magnetic field.

The electric field E is proportional to the lines of electric force, which according to elastic string theory is proportional to the number of electons creating this field. In the same manner, the magnetic field B is proportional to the lines of magnetic force, which is proportional to the number of magnons creating this field. This leads to the conclusion that the number of electons emanating from a photon divided by the number of magnons is equal to the speed of light.

This means there are exactly 299,792,459 electons for every magnon. I believe it is relevant that careful measurement of the speed of light shows that the number of electons is an even number when compared to magnons, just as expected if we are dealing with the number of elastic strings.
Since the energy density of the electon field is equal to the energy density of the magnon field, it must take 299,792,459 electons to equal the energy of one magnon. It is possible then that the mass of one magnon is equal to the mass of 299,792,459 electons.
In the next blog, I will review string cycles in view of this new information, and what this means for the self-induction of elastic strings. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
In the previous blog, we saw how the speed of light is equal to magnitude of the photon’s electric field divided by the magnitude of the photon’s magnetic field.
The electric field E is proportional to the lines of electric force, which according to elastic string theory is proportional to the number of electons creating this field. In the same manner, the magnetic field B is proportional to the lines of magnetic force, which is proportional to the number of magnons creating this field. This leads to the conclusion that the number of electons emanating from a photon divided by the number of magnons is equal to the speed of light.
This means there are exactly 299,792,459 electons for every magnon. I believe it is relevant that careful measurement of the speed of light shows that the number of electons is an even number when compared to magnons, just as expected if we are dealing with the number of elastic strings.
Since the energy density of the electon field is equal to the energy density of the magnon field, it must take 299,792,459 electons to equal the energy of one magnon. It is possible then that the mass of one magnon is equal to the mass of 299,792,459 electons.
In the next blog, I will review string cycles in view of this new information, and what this means for the self-induction of elastic strings. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Elastic strings dictate speed of light
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
James Maxwell was able to show that the speed of light could be calculated using the electric constant and magnetic constant in the following way.

I have found no easy way to use these symbols for the constants in a blog except as bitmaps, which is very cumbersome; therefore, in the next paragraph, ec becomes the electric constant and mc the magnetic constant.
Maxwell came to these conclusions:
1. Energy density of the electric field = ½ ec E^2,where ec is the electric constant with a value of 8.854 x 10^-12 F/m, and E is the electric field, which is a vector force. The value of this constant was determined in the laboratory by experimentation. This made it possible for Maxwell to calculate the velocity of light.
2. Energy density of the magnetic field = ½ B^2/mc, where mc is the magnetic constant with a value of 4pi x 10^-7 H/m, and B is the magnetic field, which is a vector force. The magnetic constant is a value derived to satisfy the requirements of the energy of the magnetic field.
The energy density of the electric field = energy density of the magnetic field. Thus: ½ ec E^2 = ½ B^2/mc
Because the energy density of the electric field and magnetic field are equal, we can combine the two equations and show the following relationship:

This shows very clearly why the ratio of the electric field and magnetic field equals the velocity of light. This is only possible if the fields, which are composed of elastic strings, are somehow intimately and directly responsible for the velocity of light. We will continue with this discussion in the next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
James Maxwell was able to show that the speed of light could be calculated using the electric constant and magnetic constant in the following way.

I have found no easy way to use these symbols for the constants in a blog except as bitmaps, which is very cumbersome; therefore, in the next paragraph, ec becomes the electric constant and mc the magnetic constant.
Maxwell came to these conclusions:
1. Energy density of the electric field = ½ ec E^2,where ec is the electric constant with a value of 8.854 x 10^-12 F/m, and E is the electric field, which is a vector force. The value of this constant was determined in the laboratory by experimentation. This made it possible for Maxwell to calculate the velocity of light.
2. Energy density of the magnetic field = ½ B^2/mc, where mc is the magnetic constant with a value of 4pi x 10^-7 H/m, and B is the magnetic field, which is a vector force. The magnetic constant is a value derived to satisfy the requirements of the energy of the magnetic field.
The energy density of the electric field = energy density of the magnetic field. Thus: ½ ec E^2 = ½ B^2/mc
Because the energy density of the electric field and magnetic field are equal, we can combine the two equations and show the following relationship:

This shows very clearly why the ratio of the electric field and magnetic field equals the velocity of light. This is only possible if the fields, which are composed of elastic strings, are somehow intimately and directly responsible for the velocity of light. We will continue with this discussion in the next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
energy density,
Maxwell's equations,
speed of light
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The speed of light
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The speed of light has been studied by a number of individuals from various countries around the world for more than 300 years. In the 1600s, Galileo attempted to determine its velocity by using two lanterns separated by a great distance. He concluded that the speed of light was either instantaneous or had great velocity. Various other methods have been used since that time including observations of Jupiter’s moons, aberration of star light, toothed wheels, rotating mirrors, etc. Values obtained ranged from 214,000,000 meters per second to 315,000,000 meters per second.
In 1862, a Frenchman by the name of Foucault used rotating mirrors to estimate its speed at 298,000,000 m/s. A few years later, James Clerk Maxwell discovered that the velocity of light could be calculated using its magnetic and electric properties. This method arrives at 299,781,000 m/s for the speed of light. This is only an estimate because the electric property used in the equation is determined by experimentation.
At the present time, the velocity of light is determined by using a laser light of known frequency and wavelength. This allows the speed of light to be calculated with great accuracy.
Photon speed = wavelength x frequency = 299,792,459.0 meters per second plus or minus just 0.0008 meters per second.
I believe it is more than mere coincidence that the remainder is zero. This will become clear in future blogs.
In the next blog, I will discuss how Maxwell was able to calculate the speed of light using its magnetic and electric properties. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
The speed of light has been studied by a number of individuals from various countries around the world for more than 300 years. In the 1600s, Galileo attempted to determine its velocity by using two lanterns separated by a great distance. He concluded that the speed of light was either instantaneous or had great velocity. Various other methods have been used since that time including observations of Jupiter’s moons, aberration of star light, toothed wheels, rotating mirrors, etc. Values obtained ranged from 214,000,000 meters per second to 315,000,000 meters per second.
In 1862, a Frenchman by the name of Foucault used rotating mirrors to estimate its speed at 298,000,000 m/s. A few years later, James Clerk Maxwell discovered that the velocity of light could be calculated using its magnetic and electric properties. This method arrives at 299,781,000 m/s for the speed of light. This is only an estimate because the electric property used in the equation is determined by experimentation.
At the present time, the velocity of light is determined by using a laser light of known frequency and wavelength. This allows the speed of light to be calculated with great accuracy.
Photon speed = wavelength x frequency = 299,792,459.0 meters per second plus or minus just 0.0008 meters per second.
I believe it is more than mere coincidence that the remainder is zero. This will become clear in future blogs.
In the next blog, I will discuss how Maxwell was able to calculate the speed of light using its magnetic and electric properties. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Sources of energy for the photon’s string cycles
The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
When a virtual particle that is to become a string is ejected into space, it remains attached to its source. For this reason, the string that develops behind the particle is stretched to a great length. This process stores potential energy in the stretched string. This means the energy needed to retract the elastic strings comes primarily from the potential energy stored in the string when it is ejected from the photon. We are dealing with a substance that has perfect elasticity, which allows the string to retract back to its source with great velocity. During retraction, there is no loss in energy because it is transformed to potential energy in the form of dense primordial goo inside the electron.
It is envisioned that gravitons exist for more than one string cycle. Gravitons do not bind to other gravitons because each is unique, but they aid in the constriction of the photon. As the photon spins on its axis, it winds the gravitons up like a fishing line on a reel, which constricts the photon forming two spheres. This requires a source of energy. In this case the energy comes from the photon’s spin angular momentum, which is dependent upon the rate a photon spins on its axis and its mass.
Spin angular momentum = spin velocity x mass x photon radius
String theory suggests that a photon spin on its axes because it travels through a matrix of gravitons that couples linear velocity to spin velocity as the photon rubs against the gravitons in its path. A slightly denser concentration of gravitons on one side would dictate direction of spin. I will explain how a photon maintains its linear velocity at a later date. This is a fascinating story that has much to do with Einstein and the special theory of relativity.
A photon with large mass, such as an x-ray, goes through its string cycle much faster than a lowly radio wave that has little mass. This is true because the x-ray photon has much greater spin angular momentum. The energy required for the radio wave photon to go through its string cycle is much less because the cycle is spread out over a much longer period of time. It takes less gas for a car to get to 60 miles per hour if it arrives at this speed slowly rather than putting the pedal to the metal, so to speak. In the end, however, both cars get to the same speed just as the radio wave photon and x-ray photon end up creating the same number of strings.
We know string cycles are directly related to the mass of the photon because this relationship holds: hf = mass x c^2. Here we see that f, the frequency of oscillation, is directly related to the mass of the photon. In this equation h is Planck’s constant and c is the velocity of light, which is constant for all photons.
In my next blog, I will examine the velocity of light. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
When a virtual particle that is to become a string is ejected into space, it remains attached to its source. For this reason, the string that develops behind the particle is stretched to a great length. This process stores potential energy in the stretched string. This means the energy needed to retract the elastic strings comes primarily from the potential energy stored in the string when it is ejected from the photon. We are dealing with a substance that has perfect elasticity, which allows the string to retract back to its source with great velocity. During retraction, there is no loss in energy because it is transformed to potential energy in the form of dense primordial goo inside the electron.
It is envisioned that gravitons exist for more than one string cycle. Gravitons do not bind to other gravitons because each is unique, but they aid in the constriction of the photon. As the photon spins on its axis, it winds the gravitons up like a fishing line on a reel, which constricts the photon forming two spheres. This requires a source of energy. In this case the energy comes from the photon’s spin angular momentum, which is dependent upon the rate a photon spins on its axis and its mass.
Spin angular momentum = spin velocity x mass x photon radius
String theory suggests that a photon spin on its axes because it travels through a matrix of gravitons that couples linear velocity to spin velocity as the photon rubs against the gravitons in its path. A slightly denser concentration of gravitons on one side would dictate direction of spin. I will explain how a photon maintains its linear velocity at a later date. This is a fascinating story that has much to do with Einstein and the special theory of relativity.
A photon with large mass, such as an x-ray, goes through its string cycle much faster than a lowly radio wave that has little mass. This is true because the x-ray photon has much greater spin angular momentum. The energy required for the radio wave photon to go through its string cycle is much less because the cycle is spread out over a much longer period of time. It takes less gas for a car to get to 60 miles per hour if it arrives at this speed slowly rather than putting the pedal to the metal, so to speak. In the end, however, both cars get to the same speed just as the radio wave photon and x-ray photon end up creating the same number of strings.
We know string cycles are directly related to the mass of the photon because this relationship holds: hf = mass x c^2. Here we see that f, the frequency of oscillation, is directly related to the mass of the photon. In this equation h is Planck’s constant and c is the velocity of light, which is constant for all photons.
In my next blog, I will examine the velocity of light. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
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