Monday, January 2, 2012

If elastic strings have mass, photons have mass.

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

Photons create elastic strings. If the elastic strings created have mass, then surely photons have mass. I will only summarize the observations here.

• Diffraction experiments provide strong evidence that magnons and electons have
• Spinning table tennis balls are deflected by magnetic fields, showing us
magnons have mass.
• Spinning table tennis balls are deflected in a pure vacuum showing us that
gravitons have mass.
• Particle-wave duality can be explained if elastic strings have mass.
• The wave properties of electrons in orbit about protons can be explained if
electons and magnons have mass.
• Mercury’s precession can be explained if gravitons have mass.
• Earth’s polar wobble on axis can be explained if gravitons have mass.
• Tilt of a planet on its axis can be explained if gravitons have mass.
• Venus’ slow spin rate can be explained if gravitons have mass.
• Transfer of momentum from inner body to satellite can be explained if
gravitons have mass.

All the evidence shows that elastic strings have mass, and because elastic strings emanate from photons, common sense tells us that photons have mass. Kelland—

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