My model for the photon is quite similar to my model for the electron. I believe the photon is divided into two spheres by gravitons that encircle the photon much like a fishing line wound around a reel. One sphere ejects magnon and electon virtual particles composed of n-goo and the other sphere emits magnon and electon virtual particles composed of s-goo. Because the portals for gravitons arise between the two spheres, all gravitons are composed of various amounts of n-goo and s-goo such that no two gravitons are identical. Gravitons are also created in the same time frames; however, I propose that the retraction of gravitons requires several string cycles. During any one string cycle, all strings are created in the same time frame. Up to this point, the photon and its string cycles are identical to the electron. However there are major differences in the ratio of strings created.
In the previous blog, we saw that photons actually have two distinct string cycles. In one cycle free n-magnons are created and in the next cycle free s-magnons are created. Free electons vary in the same manner. The model holds that the combined mass and energy of the strings created on one sphere is identical to the mass and energy of strings created on the other sphere. Free strings never become bound to their complementary twin. The creation of the photon’s free strings is shown in the following illustration.

My model for the self induction of the force fields is discussed in the next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—
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