Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ejection of virtual particles through portals

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
When the electron reaches its most condensed stage, the internal pressure reaches a critical state, which causes it to eject virtual particles into space. The virtual particles are ejected through portals, and the size of the portal helps to determine the size of the virtual particle. I envision there are billions of portals for e-electons and every portal creates one string with each round. In the same manner, there are separate distinct portals for p-electons, n-magnons, s-magnons, and gravitons.

At the completion of a round, the strings that blanket the electron once more apply pressure to the surface of the electron as they continue to retract back through their portals. This eventually forces another round of strings to be ejected into space. This means that during any one string cycle every portal fires numerous times; perhaps in the neighborhood of 100 times each.

A point in time is reached when retracting strings are no longer applying pressure on the outside of the electron, and the number of strings emitted by an electron has reached maximum. At this point, the newly created elastic strings have bonded to each other and begin a new string cycle. This works because the electron and the strings have perfect elasticity. Kelland—

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