Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Electron reaches most condensed state

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
At its most condensed state, the electron is completely covered by retracting electons and magnons bound to their complimentary strings. The strings are literally attempting to pull the strings they are bonded to back through their own portals. This applies great inward pressure to the outside of the electron. At the same time, the retracting gravitons are squeezing the center of the electron into two spheres. It is envisioned that electons and magnons contribute equally to the inward pressure exerted on the electron. During this process, the strings that have retracted inside the electron change their structure to create the primordial s-goo and n-goo needed for a new round of strings. Finally a critical stage is reached and the electron begins ejecting virtual particles.

The metamorphosis of the strings to primordial goo reminds me of the metamorphosis of limestone to marble and marble to magma as the pressure on the rock increases due to silt deposited above over the centuries by rivers that feed the oceans. In this case we are dealing with a rock cycle. Finally, the magma is thrust up from below to create new rock whose composition depends on the composition of the magma, which is determined by its location on Earth. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

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