Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Force of gravity

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

Rocko spotted the chipmunk before I did, and he was dead set on capturing the little critter. What he didn’t count on was a wash and a 12 foot drop. The next thing I knew he was flying through the air with his legs thrashing beneath him. My 100 pound mutt hit the bottom of the wash with a sudden jar that left him with a noticeable limp. He is very wary now when it comes to ledges of any kind. Rocko is a beautiful mix of chow and newfoundland, but he was no match for the force of gravity that jerked him through the air with a strong, but invisible hand. What is gravity? What is this mysterious force of nature? I have been attempting to answer this question. I have worked hard on some experiments that I would like you to consider. Till then, be safe and in good health. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

When I was a kid on the old farm where I grew up, just outside Zion National Park, Dad brought home 100 chicks. It fell on me to raise them. We had an old chicken coup that kept them safe at night. The coop was built into a hillside and still exists today. There was easy access to the roof, and one day, for reasons unknown, I jumped from the roof. I can still relive the stinging sensation I felt in my feet that day when I hit the ground—gravity is a very strong force of nature. I had done the same dumb thing that my dog Rocko recently did when he jumped off a bank to the bottom of a wash.
The connecting links between any two bodies are referred to as gravitons. When I jumped, gravitons emanating from my body were connected to Earth and Earth’s gravitons were connected to me, and the resulting force of gravitation jerked me to the ground and likely left me a little more flat footed.
The magnitude of the force of gravitation can best be appreciated when it takes place between two large bodies. The force of gravity between earth and sun is equivalent to the strength of a steel cable twice the size of the United States even though earth and sun are separated by 93 million miles. Wow. What are gravitons? What are these invisible links that connect these two bodies across such a vast distance? Do the links between earth and sun have physical properties even though we can’t feel them in space? I pondered over this question and came up with a possible method of testing this hypothesis. The results will surely surprise you. Till then, be safe and in good health. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

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