Monday, September 19, 2011

Forces of nature

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The turkeys we raised on our old farm could be ferocious birds. I learned this first hand one summer day when I came upon a female turkey sitting on a nest of eggs. We did not have that many turkeys, and when one went missing, I began to search the surrounding fields. I thought I heard the clucking of this turkey above me hidden in a patch of tall grass. Not being aware of what might happen, I climbed up the ditch bank to investigate, but before I could reach her nest, the mother-to-be-turkey flew at me with a vengeance. I fell over backwards and rolled down the bank with the angry turkey on top of me. I hit the ground running and never went back. She had gained my respect. It wasn’t long until she came home with her brood of cute little baby turkeys.
All the movements of this turkey and my hasty retreat can be traced back to the forces of nature: electricity, magnetism, gravitation, and the nuclear forces. ATP in our bodies stores electrical energy in its phosphate bonds, and it passes this energy to our muscles, which allows us to run. Without electricity and the other forces of nature our world would be filled with random mass, or perhaps more likely just one small elastic ball, which means there would be no atoms, molecules, mountains, or the living objects of our world. Till then, be safe and in good health. Kelland—

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