Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gravitons influence string cycles

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

There are several important observations that show gravitational fields affect photons, atomic clocks, and radioactive particles. I will briefly summarize these observations here; then take them up in more detail in future blogs.

Gravitational red shift: Photons received here on Earth from dense stars with high gravitational fields have lower oscillation frequencies than expected. Physicists refer to this as a gravitation red shift because red is the lowest frequency of visible light.

Gravitational frequency shift: Physicists have shown that cesium atomic clocks tick slower in stronger gravitational fields; thus the oscillation frequency of the atom slows down. Physicists refer to this red shift as a gravitational frequency shift.

Radioactive particle emission: Physicists have shown that radioactive particles emit less radiation in stronger gravitational fields. This can be accounted for if the string cycle frequency is lower.

Photons traveling through a strong gravitational field have lower oscillation frequency, which is another form of gravitational frequency shift; although here, we must take into account the movement of the photon.

These observations prove dramatically that gravitons influence the creation of photons and modify their oscillation frequency. These experiments also prove that gravitons affect the emission of radioactive particles and the rate cesium atomic clocks tick per second. These observations can all be accounted for if gravitons influence the string cycles of electrons, photons, and quarks. Just how this is accomplished is taken up in future blogs. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

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