Tuesday, January 31, 2012

VES ether theory and Maxwell’s observations

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

I was not able to find any reference in the literature that gravitons might form the basis of an ether theory. I suspect this idea has not been rigorously examined because scientists in general do not consider that gravitons are physical entities that remain attached to the objects that create them. However, if gravitons have mass and remain connected to their source, then it becomes entirely possible that traveling transverse waves originating at source move along the string at high velocity. This forms the basis of VES ether theory.
Maxwell was able to calculate the speed of light using its electric and magnetic properties. This leads to the idea that a sea of graviton waves has its effect on the velocity of light by pushing on the photon’s electons and magnons. This also satisfies the requirement that gravitons influence the string cycles of photons and electrons, and a host of other observations.

The nature of the interaction is totally mechanical, wave against wave, which of course depends on a vast concentration of graviton waves traveling in all directions as already discussed. The waves are in intimate physical contact. For this reason a magnon, which is 299,792,459 times larger than an electon, would have proportional more graviton waves pushing against it. However, gravitons are pushing on 299,792,459 electons for every one magnon, which means magnons and electons are equally involved in the velocity of light and string cycles.

The interaction between graviton waves and a photon’s electon and magnon waves is dependent upon the photon’s string cycle. This is discussed in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

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