Monday, January 9, 2012

Magnetic fields, electric fields, and gravitational fields are self-inducing

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

The creation of elastic strings is cyclic and never ending because atoms and strings have perfect elasticity. The energy of the system during the string cycle is always constant. It is either conserved as potential energy in a stretched elastic string or as potential energy in the form of a super-condensed primordial elastic goo. My model for the self induction of the photon’s elastic strings is similar to the self induction of the force fields by an electron. It involves four stages.
• Beginning at that point in time when the photon has retracted all its strings, the internal pressure inside the photon is greatest, and the elastic strings have metamorphosed into dense primordial goo for the next round of strings.
• When the internal pressure reaches a critical state, the photon begins ejecting new virtual particles that develop into strings.
• Virtual particles continue to be ejected in stages until a maximum number of strings is achieved. At this point in time, the internal pressure of the photon has been reduced to a point where it can no longer eject virtul particles. However, the photon is surrounded by elastic strings that have begun to retract because of their perfect elasticity.
• This model requires that in addition to free strings that we measure with our instruments, the photon also creates p-electons and e-electons that bind and cover the photon like an orange peel. In the same manner, the theory holds that the photon is creating complementary magnons that bind and cover the outer surface of the photon. As the bound complementary strings retract back to their own portals, they force the surface of the photon inward, which causes the enclosed perfectly elastic goo to be compressed into primordial goo. The photon very quickly arrives at maximum internal pressure.

My model requires that in one string cycle two units of n-magnons are created for every unit of s-magnons. We cannot detect the s-magnons with our instruments because they rapidly become bound to n-magnons. In the next string cycle, two units of s-magnons are created and one unit of n-magnons. In this case, our instruments can detect one unit of s-magnons not bound to their complementary strings.

Just as magnons alternate as explained so do electons. In one string cycle two units of e-electons and one unit of p-electons are created, and in the next string cycle the opposite occurs.

There is one other piece to this puzzle. Gravitons exist for more than one string cycle, which allows them to wind up around the center of the photon as it spins on its axis. Gravitons are responsible for dividing the photon into two spheres.

The model holds that magnons and electons are equally important to the self-induction of force fields. It also holds that gravitons have a very important role in this process.

I know of no evidence that shows photons make n-magnons and s-magnons in the same string cycle; and in the same manner, I know of no evidence that photons make p-electons and e-electons in the same string cycle. On the other hand, I know of no evidence to show this is not true. Hopefully scientists will take this serious enough to think of a way to test this hypothesis.

In the next blog, I will discuss the sources of energy that drives the string cycles. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—

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