Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sources of energy for the photon’s string cycles

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

When a virtual particle that is to become a string is ejected into space, it remains attached to its source. For this reason, the string that develops behind the particle is stretched to a great length. This process stores potential energy in the stretched string. This means the energy needed to retract the elastic strings comes primarily from the potential energy stored in the string when it is ejected from the photon. We are dealing with a substance that has perfect elasticity, which allows the string to retract back to its source with great velocity. During retraction, there is no loss in energy because it is transformed to potential energy in the form of dense primordial goo inside the electron.

It is envisioned that gravitons exist for more than one string cycle. Gravitons do not bind to other gravitons because each is unique, but they aid in the constriction of the photon. As the photon spins on its axis, it winds the gravitons up like a fishing line on a reel, which constricts the photon forming two spheres. This requires a source of energy. In this case the energy comes from the photon’s spin angular momentum, which is dependent upon the rate a photon spins on its axis and its mass.
Spin angular momentum = spin velocity x mass x photon radius

String theory suggests that a photon spin on its axes because it travels through a matrix of gravitons that couples linear velocity to spin velocity as the photon rubs against the gravitons in its path. A slightly denser concentration of gravitons on one side would dictate direction of spin. I will explain how a photon maintains its linear velocity at a later date. This is a fascinating story that has much to do with Einstein and the special theory of relativity.
A photon with large mass, such as an x-ray, goes through its string cycle much faster than a lowly radio wave that has little mass. This is true because the x-ray photon has much greater spin angular momentum. The energy required for the radio wave photon to go through its string cycle is much less because the cycle is spread out over a much longer period of time. It takes less gas for a car to get to 60 miles per hour if it arrives at this speed slowly rather than putting the pedal to the metal, so to speak. In the end, however, both cars get to the same speed just as the radio wave photon and x-ray photon end up creating the same number of strings.

We know string cycles are directly related to the mass of the photon because this relationship holds: hf = mass x c^2. Here we see that f, the frequency of oscillation, is directly related to the mass of the photon. In this equation h is Planck’s constant and c is the velocity of light, which is constant for all photons.

In my next blog, I will examine the velocity of light. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

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