Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A source of energy is a good thing

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

In addition to the effect of gravitational fields on elastic string frequency, there are a number of other important observations related to this subject that I will simply list here:
• The speed of light appears to be invariant.
• It requires more energy than expected to increase the velocity of electrons in particle accelerators.
• Radioactive particles in particle accelerators emit less radiation than expected.
• Atomic clocks run slower when moving.
• Maxwell calculated the speed of light using its electric and magnetic properties.
• Electrons in orbit never spiral into protons.

It is obvious that a unique source of energy is needed to account for these observations.

• The energy source must account for the behavior of electrons and radioactive particles in particle accelerators.
• The energy source much act in concert with magnons and electons to satisfy Maxwell’s equations.
• The energy source must be capable of modifying atomic clocks.
• The energy source must be capable of modifying radioactive particle emission.
• The energy source must be associated with gravitons because gravitational fields influence (1) the string cycles of photons in flight, (2) emission by radioactive particles, (3) keeping time by atomic clocks, and (4) the size of the photon created by atoms.

I will continue with this discussion in my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—

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