Monday, January 16, 2012

The size of string portals

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The virtual particle that is to become an elastic string is ejected through a portal. My model suggests there are unique portals for magnons, electons, and gravitons.

An examination of the photon’s string cycle shows that strings are made in stages until a full complement of strings is created during one string cycle. We know 299,792,459 electons are created for every magnon during one cycle. If the photon creates 100 free n-magnons (one unit) during one string cycle, it could do so by using just one portal for n-magnons, located on the sphere composed of n-goo. The n-magnon portal would eject one n-magnon virtual particle at a time until all 100 had been ejected. For every n-magnon portal there would be 299,792,459 electon portals on the other sphere. Each portal would eject 100 electon virtual particles in the same time frame needed for one magnon portal to eject 100 magnons. For ease in discussion, one unit of electons would be equivalent to 29,979,245,900 electons. The electons ejected from one sphere would have the same mass and energy as the magnons ejected from the other sphere. The two spheres would be in balance.

Although the number of electon portals contemplated is large, each portal is extremely small compared to a magnon portal; in fact, the size of the portal opening for one magnon is the same as the combined area of 299,792,459 electon portals. It is envisioned that e-electon portals are distributed at random on one sphere, and p-electon portals are distributed at random on the other sphere. Because photons are very large compared to virtual particles, there is plenty of room for a large number of portals even on a small radio wave photon.

Gravitons would have their own unique portals that arise at the center between the two spheres. Each graviton is composed of n-goo and s-goo in random fashion that makes each graviton unique. This feature does not allow them to bind and create a force of attraction, nor does it permit them to bind and create a force of repulsion. Gravitons are thought to be much smaller than any other string, and consequently their portals are that much smaller. I will take this subject up again at a later date.

The model holds that in one string cycle, one sphere is making two units of n-magnons and one unit of p-electons, and the other sphere is making one unit of s-magnons and two units of e-electons. This suggests that retraction and integration of magnon and electon strings into primordial goo takes longer than one half of a string cycle. This is the subject of my next blog. Till then be safe and in good health. Kelland—

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