Thursday, October 27, 2011

Elastic strings meet and bond

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
The space about us contains a vast number of gravitons and other strings that form a dense matrix in space. We can not personally sense them because of their perfect elasticity, their almost insignificant mass, and the great distance they are shot into space. However, in a previous blog, I did explain my own experiments that show us that a spinning Ping-Pong ball is deflected by a magnetic field and continues to curve even in a vacuum. Thus, strings have a physical presence in space, they have mass. This conclusion is supported by various phenomena in our solar system, which I will go into at a later time.

Scientists have shown that magnetic fields and electric fields created by photons emanate from these particles at a 90 degree angle to the particle’s line of flight. It is reasonable that the photon’s strings are at least partially swept to the rear of the particle as it flies through a matrix of gravitons. In the same manner, the electron’s n-magnons and s-magnons are to some extent swept to the rear where they meet and bond as the electron rotates around the proton. Kelland—

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