Monday, October 24, 2011

Resistance to graviton retraction

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
I clearly remember helping my older brother add soil to the top of our outhouse to ward off the rain. He took the high position on top of the outhouse and I filled the bucket with dirt that he would pull up with a rope. He managed to drop the bucket on top of my head, which left a gash in my noggin and blood running down my face. This was in the 1930’s, and at that time, I had never seen the inside of a bathroom. And there wasn’t much in the way of toilet paper either. We probably used the pages from an old copy of a Sears and Roebuck catalogue.

The bucket had to hold onto Earth’s gravitons in some manner, otherwise there would be no way for Earth to pull on the bucket. The question is: How did the bucket grab hold of the gravitons emanating from Earth? There are four parts to this puzzle.

1. The graviton string has tiny waves that begin at the source of the string and proceed along its length at great velocity. It can be shown mathematically that these waves likely travel along the string at almost the same velocity as the virtual graviton particle. By the time the virtual graviton particle reaches 10 to 20 million light years in space, the first wave arrives with it. I will in a future blog go into these waves in detail, for the moment please bear with me.

2. The graviton wave has physical properties, it is composed of mass. When it passes near an electron, photon, or quark it is trapped by the particle’s strings as it is going through its string cycle. This allows the graviton to exert a pulling force when it begins retraction because the string’s waves become stuck in the particle’s strings.

3. The string is quickly released when the electron, photon, or quark completes its string cycle.

4. The graviton can no longer transmit traveling waves after it begins retracting because its properties change throughout its length. This means there is no way for electrons, photons, and quarks to grab hold of the string because there are no physical nodules to hold onto.

Consider the attraction between Earth and Sun. When a graviton from the Sun passes through Earth, any portion of this string beyond Earth has no influence on the force of attraction between these two bodies because this portion of the string quickly loses its ability to transmit waves as it retracts, and without waves there is no resistance. Kelland—

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