Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Force of repulsion between electrons

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.
When we were kids, my two younger sisters and I would take the rubber balloons we had blown up and rub them against our clothing. This caused the balloons to become electrically charged. I have since learned that electrons flow from clothing to a rubber balloon giving the balloon a surplus of electrons with a negative charge. When two such balloons are brought close together, a force of repulsion develops between them and the balloons are forced apart.
Two electrons repel each other; it is called a force of repulsion. When an e-electon from one electron meets an e-electon from another electron, the e-electons likely bond in some fashion, and because of the bonding, the heads of the e-electons are sent crashing against the opposing electrons. Thus, the e-electons with mass and momentum become battering rams that drive the electrons apart. Viola, we now have a force of repulsion. Thus, we come to this conclusion. A force of repulsion is caused when two strings of identical mass and identical composition meet. Till then, be safe and in good health. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

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