Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The inconceivable becomes rational

The Forces of Nature by Kelland Terry, Ph.D.

Uncle Virgil tracked the wise ol' buck
Along towering sandstone cliffs,
Amid oak and manzanita brush,
Up and down the mountain reefs.

Finally in a narrow canyon,
Walls thousands of feet on side,
Muley decided to make his stand
Uncle Virgil was going to die.

To be continued…..

It is an incredible fact, almost too much for the mind to comprehend, but scientists believe that the planet Earth beneath our feet is essentially empty space. When my astrophysics friend told me this I was astonished even though I knew that scientists favored the big bang theory for the creation of our universe. The only way this can work is if all the mass of the universe can be reduced to a small dense ball. This means that our Milky Way Galaxy, and all the other galaxies that make up our universe, would fit inside a thimble if all the empty space were removed. It means the whole universe and all its billions upon billions of tons of iron, quartz, hydrogen, and living creatures is almost nothing but empty space, and it means the elastic strings that connect electrons to protons and atoms to atoms must also be essentially empty space, since they too have mass.

If the elastic strings that bind our atoms together and create our world consist mostly of empty space, then it is not a great stretch of imagination to believe that gravitons could span some 10 to 20 million light years and remain intact; they would just be stretched over a little more empty space. And since they have perfect cohesion, they would remain coherent; and since they have perfect elasticity, they would retract back to their source with great velocity.

Thus, the inconceivable becomes more rational. Kelland—www.vestheory.com

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