Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gravitation versus density of body

Uncle Virgil died a happy man
At least as happy as death can be.
The monster buck got his revenge, and
The paint brush blooms for all to see.

Bodies are one where flowers grow
Earth has recaptured its children there.
And the echo of the old man and buck
Still lingers softly in the canyon air.

….the end

The force a graviton is able to muster depends directly on the density of the body it penetrates. Because iron is denser than wood, Earth’s gravitons exert a greater force of attraction on an iron ball than it does on a wooden ball of the same size.

Resistance depends on the number of electrons and quarks the graviton meets and the denser the body the greater number of these small particles. It also means there are many points of attachment when a graviton penetrates a body. When the graviton is temporarily prevented from retracting back to its source, it provides the resistance necessary for it to pull on the body when it retracts. Kelland—

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