Friday, October 14, 2011

Virtual particles have great velocity

My companion who raced down from the Eagle Crags with me did not know then that he would become one of the great scientists of his generation; however, I am not surprised. He was superior to most of us because of his intellect, his photographic memory, and his work ethic. His seminal book based on his original careful research has been cited by more than 5000 other scientific publications, and it formed the basis for 13 other Ph.D.s that followed in his footsteps. He is now a retired Professor Emeritus from a major university. He too remembers fondly our flying leap below the Eagle Crags. It is unfortunate that we did not have virtual properties that would have taken us back under the Eagle Crags for a second race to the valley below.

The virtual property of elastic strings means they must be ejected into space and retracted with great velocity. What tangible proof is there that strings travel at such vast, almost inconceivable velocity. Well, first we know that particles of light (photons) travel at the amazing speed of 300000000 meters per second. It only takes a few minutes for light to travel from our sun to earth. This extremely fast almost inconceivable speed must have seemed incredulous when scientists first began measuring the velocity of light more than a hundred years ago. Scientists still question how this is possible.

Secondly, it is an established fact based on numerous experiments that when a photon is split and one of the photons is sent off even kilometers away that modification of one photon instantly modifies the other photon, much, much faster than the speed of light. This was once referred to as quantum weirdness, but now is known as entanglement. I believe the two photons are entangled by elastic strings, which allows almost instant modification of one photon by another. I believe entanglement is direct physical evidence that something travels much faster than the speed of light and this something is elastic strings.

Physicists who believe in special relativity downplay entanglement experiments. They contend that entanglement is a form of communication. What does this mean? The physicists that offer this solution to entanglement offer no physical explanation for this concept, nor do they attempt to explain how it causes entanglement. It doesn’t fit the special theory of relativity that nothing is faster than the speed of light and for this reason most physicists ignore these experiments, just as they ignore many other experiments that don’t fit theory. I cannot find a single experiment that does not fit VES theory.

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